Body jewellery, pregnancy and breastfeeding
Posted by Ellie on 1 April 2008 · Leave a comment
Many women are able to carry stomach and other body art during pregnancy without any problems. Every body is different, though, and your body can react a bit differently. It is too thin for the navel Ridge not uncommon, during pregnancy, make uncomfortable a belly ring. You want your navel piercing keeping open, is a piercing professional proposals that have to do the best.
The most common suggestion is to change your metal ring for more flexible body jewelry or a piece of monofilament nylon fishing line. If the piercing is relatively new and had not yet a chance to completely cure is might be better to let it close and reopen, the piercing after delivery.
Most doctors agree that navel jewelry up to about sixth month is typically pleasant. Then some women find that has pushed her navel, or that their more frequently struck ring or bar always is. It may be enough to change from your usual ring for a banana bar that moves with your body, lighter. When the piercing has been open long enough, to be fully healed and you are accustomed, change your navel jewelry, you could try to keep it open, by you a jewel body through them and wear them every day a few hours. Before you decide to do this, but talk to get you on your piercing professional, their recommendation.
A new option is to replace the metal belly jewelry with a PTFE bar. PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) is the material they use, artificial heart valves. It is soft and flexible and can be sterilized. Some of the benefits of a PTFE bar are:
It is very flexible and will turn to you (and grows the child as it) it is less likely to healing keep simple skin, and QuickerIt does not conduct heat making it hot in the Sun and burn your SkinIt be, can be cut to exactly the right size with a pair ScissorsIt thread is, so that your favorite end can wear, Caps or gems at the ends of the PTFE BarThe PTFE bar can be sterilized just like metalIf you get pierced during pregnancy:
Most Piercers are either do the piercing, or deny you hold. The Association of professional Piercers official position is that your body should you and your baby keep healthy focus on the task, during pregnancy and directs piercing of this task. Is at least as important, if you develop contract or any kind of infection by the piercing, at can you risk your baby. This applies to almost all piercing, but is particularly important in the belly button - not, as you might think due to the physical proximity of the growing baby, but take because belly button are more susceptible to infections and much longer to heal.
If you fear that your nipple piercing affect your ability to breast-feed a baby, there is good news. Due to the structure of the breast, it is very unlikely that a piercing all milk ducts are blocked. La Leche League will greatly remove nipple jewelry during the actual nursing because of the risk of injury of the baby. It is possible for jewelry get loose and edges of metal or plastic, the gums, tongue, be provided or harsh throat in the baby soft palate or hard palate to violate.
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