Lexi the lucky day (:)

22:28 Publicado por Mario Galarza

By Lexi, by Staten Iceland.

A day in March , my sister and I out to eat and to go on Sally's beauty took on my mother. Her belly button had pierced the Lady at the counter and I noticed, how much I wanted to, the Lady said that she got her when she was 13, and I turned 13 in a few weeks!

My mother asked whether they moved as she grew and the Lady said no. So a few days my mother later, made me an appointment with my friends step mother, was a professional piercer. We arrived at the shop and I had butterflies. I was so excited and nervous! My mother had to sign some papers, and I was good to go. We went to the ground floor and my piercer, Katie, the jewelry told me to pick out.

I took a surgical steel barbell with light pink stones. They cleaned it and told me that set, it marks a place on my stomach and asked if it was good, Yes and back, said I. They stretched, and I felt my heart beat me, I took a deep breath nd it put through the needle! I not even before that back, even if my mother. She put the jewelry by and it cleaned and I was done.:)
she told me to clean it 3 times a day with SOAP and Bactine.
My mom paid and we left. 3 Months later I it still and I changed the jewelry (:)

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