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43 Minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 06
Re: so I miscarried, it had now breaks my heart to see babies, sister has a baby my friends and I am so happy, their i can not stop only wines also has a healthy baby and I never got me. the miscarriage wasn't with my friend, so that he doesn't even know I've never told anyone because in the so ashamed that I feel I like people and runners my think blame as Catholics!
Are you not ashamed or feel guilty, it is certainly not your fault that this happened. You can judge no one for the negative. Talk to someone.

42 Minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 08
Re: so I miscarried, it had now breaks my heart to see babies, a year and a half ago, when I 18 I was miscarriage suffered early. It broke my heart absolutely all I ever wanted, was a baby! the miscarriage was less then 4 weeks, so it is, what is known as a 'chemical pregnancy' Google it has if u know what it means in essence, founded a baby, but never in the lap of chance to survive so no Attatches.
Sister my friends has a baby and I am so happy, their i can not stop only wines also has a healthy baby and I never got me. the miscarriage wasn't with my friend, so that he doesn't even know, I've never who said in the so ashamed I feel like people and runner his think my fault as Catholics!
I can not stop to think how much I want a baby but I've not with my bf for long and were both in University, so I doubt that he wants it to. It breaks the heart me only every day, and I can not cope with the thought that I actually would now have a mother... and my little baby never existed
I before it, that it should only wasn't accepted, but now I keep, go over and over in my head and you feel that my fault, he died in me? xxx
The set of fat makes me sad. Please (from a Catholic to another), that the miscarriage was not your fault, and, that you don't blame. Only these things happen: it is more common than one would think.
I don't know what to say to advise you, except to say that I really think you should share this with someone: a parent, trusted friend, or your friend. You should suffer in silence
Alternatively if you practice are, you could go your priests
Last edited by The_Lonely_Goatherd; Before 02: 11: 39 minutes. Reason: Afterthought

40 minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 10
Re: so I miscarried, it had now breaks my heart to see babies, course, it is not your fault so that you yourself must stop the blame. Perhaps you should join a support group type, you can meet other women, who have also miscarriages, or see a consultant one to one? Also try and keep occupied, by a new hobby, is the time to think these thoughts to stop.... It will take a time, a lot of time, but you finally on. Of course, you will never forget your baby, but you give to a bright future with your other future children must concentrate.
Best luck XX

38 Minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 12
Re: so I miscarried, it had now breaks my heart to see babies, I am so sorry op.
Did you visit your family doctor? You can refer you for the advice.
If you feel better more difficult; many women who have had miscarriages, go to healthy babies have. It was not your fault at all. Sometimes these things just happen and not explain.

31 Minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 19
Re: so I miscarried, it had now breaks my heart to see babies, very sorry to hear that op.
It is not your debt in as always, please don't blame.
Spoken you have someone about you by what? As mentioned above, a useful contact point can be your family doctor.
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