Help with History Degree choice

7:46 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Discussions relating to university entry, UCAS and UCAS applications, including questions about Clearing. Old 1 Hour Ago: 25th September 2011 02:03   Re: Help with History Degree choice I am 100 percent interested in history, however i don't understand how I can go to do history I am interested in, as some periods on courses I have looked at I am not interested and some I am. I am interested in some periods of modern history of course, but mostly not modern so much. Tudors, Crusades etc interest me. Can someone explain how i choose.1. Choose a very specific course. For example, there are courses in medieval history available - off the top of my head, I know Queen Mary runs one.

2. Choose a course with very few compulsory modules, and optional modules that you're interested in. You should be able to get a full list of modules from the universities.

Last edited by TheSownRose; 1 Hour Ago at 02:06.

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