Anti Eyebrow Piercing: The Teardrop Is Beautiful
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One thing that is important to know about anti eyebrow piercing is that although body piercing has been in existence for a long time, this one is practically new and unheard of. The good news about is that since it is all the rage in the market now, you will be one of the first people to adorn your face with this stylish teardrop look. Sometimes, this piercing is also referred to as the teardrop because that is what it reminds you of. It is done exactly on the cheekbone just below the orbit of the eye. Whichever side you care to do it is your preference. This is a surface piercing and therefore care should be taken, just like with all other surface piercings so that healing is enhanced. Although this style is a bit new in the market, many urban youths are taking it up in a big way.
Beauty is in the eyes

If there is one reason why you should go for the anti eyebrow piercing, it is that beauty is in the eyes really, and you will want to draw all attention to them. There is no better way to enhance your facial beauty even more than with this top range piercing. The good news is that there are expert piercers who will do it for you at an affordable price and with no side effects. Get the teardrop look today and draw the attention of the people to your face. Soon, you will never pass unnoticed wherever you go.
The importance of anti eyebrow piercing is that where as people might not have noticed your face altogether before, you will now have all their attention on your face, more than you can handle. A piercing, whatever variety it is, is meant to draw attention to that part of the body. Why leave the eyes out?
Placement and location are the most important considerations when you want the teardrop piercing. If you want both eyes done, then you will have to have an expert piercer do it so that they come out proportionately. The outcome of the piercing will determine to a great deal what your entire beauty is. For example, if the piercings are done in a disproportionate manner, the truth is that people will think that your facial features are disproportionate. It is imperative that this piercing be done in exactly the right way.
As a surface piercing, care must be taken so that the body does not reject the piercing. The chances of rejection are higher in surface piercing than in other forms of piercing. Therefore, after the procedure, you must take good care of it, exactly as the piercer will tell you. With good after care, it should heal in its estimated time and soon you could be on your looking just as good as you imagined. An experienced piercer will prod the muscles around the upper cheekbones so that he/she can make sure that he has an ideal placement.
Healing teardrop piercing fast
It is very easy for you to care for the piercing because it is right where you can see it. This makes it easier to clean it and monitor its healing progress. Should you follow the piercer’s instructions to the letter, then you will enjoy fast healing. You will also reduce the chances of the piercing migrating or being rejected by the body.
Do not irritate your piercing by constantly fingering the jewelry as that might provoke the body into rejecting it. Fight the urge to scratch around the piercing and prevent strands of hair from getting snagged in the piercing especially if you keep long hair. Hair traps a lot of dust and bacteria and therefore, it might bring infections. You should only touch the piercing when you are cleaning it, and even then, you must clean your hands with a disinfectant.
Do not change the jewelry yourself; you should see a jeweler to fit you out. When doing the piercing, piercers put into mind the swelling factor. Therefore, they make the jewelry a little bigger, at least if they are rings. However, after healing, you might want something trendier and more fitting. It is paramount that you get the replacement done by the piercer.
Anti eyebrow piercings are safe
As long as any other body piercing is concerned, this one is by far the safest. If you follow the piercer’s instruction well, you should heal quickly and fast. The good news is that chances of rejection are minimal, just in case you happen to be in that bracket of the very few unlucky people whose bodies reject jewelry as foreign objects, you should remove the piercing jewelry as soon as you notice any sign of rejection. This will prevent the formation of scars.
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