August 2011 horoscopes
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Whether your mind is on back to school or milking what’s left of summer, find out what the month will bring! Check out your August 2011 Horoscope right here on Kidzworld! (Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO!)
Courtesy of Disney
What makes YOU awesome, Aries? Well, how about just plain old being YOU?! This month, show everyone how amazing you are just be doing all the things you LOVE to do!
Love: If you don’t feel ready to be in a relationship right now, that’s cool. Don’t be afraid to say so! If your current crush is bugging you with one of their annoying habits, now’s the time to speak up and say something – in a nice way!
If the thought of going back to school makes you feel slightly queasy, try getting exciting by setting some great goals for the new school year (brand-new school supplies won’t hurt, either!). Also, set some time aside for yourself this month to chill and just lounge around in the sun (don’t forget the sunscreen though!).
Love: Friends are coming to you for crush advice … let them know what you think but make sure to tell them that they need to make their own decisions. Luck may also be heading your way in the love department this month – keep your head up and look for the signs!
What’s the best way to feel better about a bad situation? Laughter! Try doing more of it this month … especially when you find yourself in uncomfortable situations with friends and family. Remember: you don’t have to take it so seriously!
Love: You and your crush don’t need to see eye to eye on absolutely EVERYTHING, but if you find yourselves arguing too much there’s likely something wrong with the picture …
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
If you’ve been thinking lately about trying something new – deep-sea diving? Circus school? Bareback riding? – now’s the perfect time to go for it! It's still summer so use your time off to pick up some new skills ... it'll totally blow your friends away once school starts up again in September!
Love: Bottling up your true feelings will only make things worse. If you’re angry with your crush about something, try TALKING to them about it and clear the air.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO! The future looks bright for you, so keep focusing on all the good things that are coming your way this month and year! No matter what age you're turning this month, the next year is really gonna rock for you ... as long as you keep an open mind and try to stay on the sunny side of life!
Love: Nothing’s more attractive to your crush than confidence, so let your inner star shine!
If you’ve had a busy summer so far, try your best to enjoy some peace and quiet this month by taking a mini vacation with a good book …
Love: It’s really important that a future crush be able to make you LAUGH, Virgo. Look for that quality when you’re casting around for a new crush this month!
Libra (September 23-October 22):
You can look forward to making some new friends in school this year … but why not start right now by saying hi and introducing yourself to the new kid on your block? You may just find that you have more in common than you think!
Love: If you’ve been disappointed by your crush recently, take some time this month to let your heart heal … it's likely too soon to jump into a new relationship right away, anyway.
Summer stressed? Take a few deep breaths and try to make the most of the rest of your time off! If a there’s a new kid in the neighborhood, it may be fun to try and make a new friend!
Love: You tend to fill long silences with the sound of your own voice but, when it comes to your crush, it may be time to do some listening instead …
If you’ve got some more travel plans this summer, make sure to take along plenty of batteries for your camera and don’t forget to keep a journal of your adventures! Also, be sure to pick and choose the things you want to do on your holiday wisely - you won't have time for everything, but you will have a great time doing the things that you end up focusing on!
Love: Things are going smoothly with your crush … that’s a GOOD thing! Don’t create any unnecessary drama!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19):
Someone in your family is gonna need some support this month – make sure you’re there to help them out. They will appreciate end ... plus, the next time you find yourself in a jam, that person will be more likely to remember how you were there for them in their time of need!
Love: Some crushes seem to good to be true … and they usually are!
Change may be a bit scary for you, Capricorn, but remember: it can also be a really good thing. If you’re ready to make some positive changes in your life, now is as good a time as any!
Love: Ever heard of the word COMPROMISE? It’s up to both you and your crush to talk things out and meet in the middle. Otherwise, you may find yourselves fighting a lot and neither one of you being very happy.
If you’re holding a grudge against a friend or family member, give yourself some relief by letting it go now … you'll both feel much better and be able to get on with your lives.
Love: If your crush can’t be honest then they’re not the one for you … time to sniff around for a love that's new!
Have Your Say
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readers voted! Love14Hate2 Comments
and 1 of the thumbs down was from me
commented: Tue Aug 02, 2011

my bday is in may and i dont belive in this this is the davil ima christian
commented: Tue Aug 02, 2011
crazzichic wrote:
im taurus :)yea meh!and wat it said is not my first time hearin tat this month alreadi. :)
commented: Tue Aug 02, 2011
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