Interview series: from first-hand look Facial Piercings

1:48 Publicado por Mario Galarza

It is here!  The newest video in BodyCandy-interview series.  This time we have an exciting and fun-filled interview with beautiful Piercee and body candy client, Tiffany.  Check out the interesting pervasive stories had their sleeves.

BodyCandy: Hi, guys.  I'm Kelsey, her body candy dot com.  Today we have Tiffany with us, and we are gonna talk about their piercings.  How are you?

Tiffany: good.  How are you?

BodyCandy: well.  So do you have what piercings?

Tiffany: I have both my nostrils, I have my septum, my Monroe, both sides of my lip pierced…I have my cartilage, my ears are measured, my nipples and my belly button and my tongue.

BodyCandy: Okay, that is quite a mouthful.  (Chuckles)  Okay, so, you tell me about it.  When you have these?  How old were you?

Tiffany: Um…honestly as ranged from the age

BodyCandy: The first one?

Tiffany: Seventeen.

BodyCandy: Your first was 17.

Tiffany: Keeping track, perhaps 20, I thought.

BodyCandy: Hmm.

Tiffany: First of all I have, I was seventeen, went to Canada, because you no piercing til your 18 years of age.  It was not expected to get one.  A night went, Canada, still in school.  Uh, put home tried came, to it hide, from my mother tissue my nose, to hide it.  I got pierced Center of my lip, I went up to my car, hid my face in the side of my arm.

BodyCandy: Tries to hide it?

Tiffany: Yep, it worked for about three days and -.

BodyCandy:-finally got caught?

Tiffany: Yep.  I had braces at the time and I had to go to the dentist, so, uh, we went there.  It hid all the time, and finally as we in the Office I had my mother of course cause it she could not screaming to me at all, so see.

BodyCandy: beautiful.  Okay, what do like you well on your piercings?

Tiffany: Uh, I like the way and manner that you make me feel.  I may look the way that make them to me.  If I ' em completing ''em clean, or if I a doctor appointment, I go straight, look it's not like I, if I not ' em in random.

BodyCandy: well.  Cleanse you well how often these?

Tiffany: It is very important to clean them, even if you do not change them often.  Cleanse at least, uh all have two weeks to a month if you could.

BodyCandy: well.  Do you have any favorite stories about your piercings?

Tiffany: Uh, seventeen years old when I was when I got done my Monroe had I done also, that the prison, in a kitchen, my friend's House, her uncle, just named BooBoo.

BodyCandy: Oh, BooBoo!

Tiffany: Yeah probably, it was probably not a good idea, but it was a free piercing and he pierced it wrong.  It is now penetrated to the top, and I have to it in a bit to maneuver.

BodyCandy: This is not good.

Tiffany: Yes.  Uh, I've pierced my nipple, was cause that they were with a few of my friends, are interested in.  And uh, a few of them had to leave the room thing they were evil and when I was a different girl who held that pressed my hand was a more stringent.  And UM, it wasn't ' T…honestly was not so painful, and uh, at the end of the man asked me whether he could take a picture and I don't think about it and I said sure.  And now the image is probably somewhere to swim.

BodyCandy: well.  That's probably not good. (Chuckle again.)  Injured okay, well, um, the one most think ya?

Tiffany: Uh…my button.

BodyCandy: really?  This is funny.

Tiffany: Yes.

BodyCandy: You would think that something else would be.

Tiffany: Yeah...

BodyCandy: how come?

Tiffany: Uh, well, I have pierced one of my nostrils, and it was buy one get one free, only for jewelry, numbers, and he went to do my belly button and it went in the first time, and not nothing to say, it again took it and re-pierced.  And it's a bisschen-

BodyCandy:-eigentlich not to do?

Tiffany: No.  And it bled and I-

BodyCandy:-So, this is probably the reason why, that one most hurt.

Tiffany: Yes.  Not very good cure for it.  It took a while to heal.

BodyCandy: how about your other to?  One of them more than the other injured?

Tiffany: Not really.  Sounds, your septum, as you are such as to a Dorito step, if it but pierced you get.

BodyCandy: Ouch.

Tiffany: Yes, not it's really a pity.

BodyCandy: And how bout your ears?  What size do you have right now?

Tiffany: Uh, they are a NULL.

BodyCandy: And you're going any larger?

Tiffany: probably just maybe to a double zero.  I'm not really sure what I want to do.  I usually only buy, like any pair of earrings, and I band em to keep off with electrical tape so I purchase not earrings.

BodyCandy: Are they expensive?

Tiffany: Non, that they are expensive, it is that I think ears measured when I was a kid, and now that I'm doing it again, I'm like ripping through the scar tissue.

BodyCandy: Make sure that you do, that the right way.

Tiffany: Yes.

BodyCandy: Okay, advice for someone who wanna can one who is these piercings well you have?

Tiffany: If you want to make you sure pierced drive somewhere, which is very clean, everything is sanitized, they know what they do.  Uh, make sure that you know maybe a friend who has gone through them, and they know that they are gonna do a good job.

BodyCandy: Change it often?

Tiffany: Yes, I have to change, keep it updated.  I would like to.

BodyCandy: you have how many do overall?

Tiffany: Umm(verbringt_sie_einen_Moment_still_zaehlen), 14.

BodyCandy: fourteen?  And you are planning on more and more?

Tiffany: Uh, maybe.  I do not know it.  I thought my cheeks is pierced, but again, I am a little concerned about the scars.  This one, the lip is not too bad with the scars.  Like my scars is not too bad in the Middle, but...

BodyCandy: Yes.  You can not say that you had.

Tiffany: But I am slightly concerned if I've pierced my cheeks.

BodyCandy: well.  Thank you for coming out today with us Tiffany.

Tiffany: thank you.

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