Private rental of open days
I'm really concerned about not getting somewhere now, try to contact this life hub thing but the CAPTCHA which does not work on the site?
Hoped, with other first years of life... from law September... Advice welcome / any participation!
HallöchenI am a Vice-Pres working students' Union, and I in the accommodation Office last summer, so I hope that I can help.
It is missed not really the end of the world you halls and is usually 100 + other students in the same situation.
The first step for you to do is join the private rented JCR Group on Facebook here:
The JCR is in fact 2nd year students, the private were rented last year. They organise the Freshers week events and are year-round for other events / consulting and organization across sport, among other things.
2. Step chat to others on the Facebook group, also in your position and get them recorded at the open day. Private houses in soton share students typically between 4-6.
3. take a look at the uni advice for private rented here:
4. before you go to the day of the open door event check out It is the University accredited housing landlord who has checked out the University system, basically property lists. the password is "Sassh"
5. When you move to Sotón, get as far as possible in freshers and especially against the Bunfight.
I think what you call it uni come.
I will work, on the day that open house, so I then have a chat with you gladly would, you need more advice
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