What is the alternative to spending cuts?

23:33 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Discuss issues relating to the policy of the United Kingdom, such as the MP, current or potential laws or other factors affect the British political system. Old 51 Minutes ago: 3 August 2011 01: 24 Grahamcox +1   what is the alternative to spending cuts? As I see it... it makes sense to make the cuts... If we have not cuts not we can our debt, let alone pay off our blue. We would have more credit... the sustainable is not take. Nation can thrive not for the long term if they are floating on credit.... Finally... Tax increases would be the alternative to cuts... and would only trick growth even more, means that we have no opportunity to pay our way in this world...

Now I would prefer our responsibility for those to meet the less fortunate and those who need the money the most (health care, pensions, etc.). But look at it this way... If we lend more to subsidize us, now we can do anything in the future. If we some of us now... we will be able to pay off our debt and life in our means and be even more people can... help in the future

We want to do so certainly morally that most for most people? For example, and will explain, 200 M help to the poor at home and abroad now give land debts and even more interest us with 200 M. Can not you help now we save 200 M and save, interest therefore our capacity increase aid in the future as our nation is more sustainable.

Certainly, it is only reasonable.... reduce blue, numbers our debt within our live, what you do, we can for a sustainable future... Only then can survive a nation (in the long run).

So long term have... we need more cuts than what we have now.... Moral issues aside... If we do not take some of our moral principles and obligations of victims again we simply way more of our commitments in the long term.

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