French and Japanese?

14:21 Publicado por Mario Galarza

University course discussion for foreign languages. Old Before 1 hour: 17 September 2011 13: 56 forest3261 +1 Hello
I wanted to do, always, French and Japanese at the University. I have a few open days, including UEA and visited Cardiff. I have spoken language with some of the tutors and they seem to all agree that, since the languages to each other are so different, that this would be extremely difficult to manage standards of work (However, a Spanish teacher and the other a Japanese yr abroad co-ordinate, no teacher was)
But is that really what I want to do. Is the only thing to worry, is that from this big difference, I will not reach from the University to have come a high level fluency in language, or even delete them one!
Has someone done, French and Japanese together, or even two matches in General. Such as AR, EOUS can find it, and also, how are you sharing your year abroad (e.g. six months in each country a year in a country, etc.)
Thank you very much

Even if it helps, the Univeristies, are those which I am applying for:

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