Need help picking an amp.

9:34 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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I'm currently looking for a new amp for my Ibanez RG320FM. At the moment I have a Line 6 Spider II 30 watt and well... it's not great, when I bought it, it cost me around £120. I mainly play metal and rock but would like quite a versatile amp that will have a good sound for metal and rock, but also able to reproduce a good clean and warm tone for when I feel like doing some more finger picking stuff, which I do occasionally.

My budget is around £300 - £500. The amp does not need to be incredibly loud, I don't go out gigging or anything like that, so it's mainly for use in my bedroom.

What would you recommend?

(P.s I've been playing on and off for around 5 or 6 years but essentially, I'm a guitar noob. I don't know anything about equipment really, so any other useful tidbits of information would be helpful, also, any other must have equipment suggestions, would be great, thanks).

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