To give before you need to get a House deposit in final bill

22:29 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I would like to get only a few people experience or thoughts on this topic.

In the Treaty it is returned in order for our deposits, be we must have been in our final invoices 20 days. We were not able to do this, although I know that we all have paid our final invoices. As well the landlords have not invoiced us, for any reason for it, take some out of our. May I request only for our deposit back now? It seems silly, prevents that the Bills are back us always our deposits in the face of the Bills on our behalf are, what is it that the landlord? I know, sometimes small rental would not agencies dubious terms in contracts to put that are actually in a court. She get not final bills for local taxes for the beginning, and the electricity bill ran from April to September (our lease ran in July) so of course we don't have that Bill / are not for everything will pay in any event.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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