Tramadol abuse

17:09 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Health - for information and advice on all aspects of the physical and mental well-being. Remember all advice, unprofessional and what says someone online is not a substitute for a trip to the GP! Health and Relationships forum guidelines Old 22 Minutes ago: 10 September 2011 19: 37 Hey - a to do little research specifically on misuse of tramadol. I have a lot of information on adverse reactions to abuse it and other drugs in particular that increase or reduce the impact of the heights, which can give it. However, there is not much information about how people actually use, and in which doses. It's rarely snorted out from what I gather in contrast to some other opioids, there is a long-lasting bad drip. So take I take people only orally at a higher dose? For example, 200 mg at the same time instead of 50 mg.

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