Video from first-hand look: navel Piercing-Up close and personal

18:19 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Hi of guys.  It is Lorna from body candy, and this is me to my belly button pierced.

As with all piercings has the entire area around the piercing be cleaned first.  As you can see enough to present as small as possible the risk of infection clean may not the belly button.  The piercer, I went preferred iodine because the brownish Orange see him color helps, that everything gets nice and clean.

Next, he used a special marker to Center and mark where he make the actual piercing.  This is great because you get to see where your stomach will go ring.

After he used a few brackets, to raise the skin, so that the piercing fast and clean.

He checked the skin carefully, to ensure that it is exactly right, grabs the sterilized hollow piercing from needle and here we go!

Take a deep breath, and…., which look so bad, really not?

A second, discomfort, and now I have a new navel piercing.  Pretty clean, isn't it?

Now my piercer only the belly ring with the blunt end of needle lines, it pushes through, and the upper ball turns on to it in to keep.

I'm all set with a few more touch-ups and some instructions about the healthy aftercare, to go with my new navel ring.

The belly piercing only damage for a second, and the healing time was pretty straight forward.  I would definitely recommend this piercing to anyone who thinks about.  How can you from the video, cleanliness is very important when deciding where you your piercing, but there are a few other things were that some of our readers and some of my friends and family are dying to know, so the answers to some of these issues on belly are piercing here:

They ache?

The short answer is no, not really.  The piercing itself is so fast, and the most uncomfortable part of the process was actually the brackets that you use my piercer see to keep the skin.  With each piercing, there were still some complaints in the first few weeks of healing, but all in all, I would do it again anyway and the pain was pretty minimal.

Is it expensive to upkeep?

This is definitely a different no.  Treatment for these piercings is very affordable and typically contains a list of low-cost products such as small paper cups, paper towels, Q-tips, antibacterial soap, distilled water, sea salt and H2Ocean care spray.  Many of these things are cheap to buy, last a long time, or already in your pantry or bathroom Cabinet.  Even the belly jewelry is very affordable.

How long did it take to heal?

This is different for everyone and there are two levels of healing, as I see it: almost healed up (if follow-up therapies be brightened can, and there are no complaints if the piercing is cleaned or moved), and fully healed (when piercing jewelry can start be changed).  For me was healed my navel almost around the brand by eight weeks, and after about five months completely healed.  This is again different from person to person, so remember your piercer follow instructions.

They are glad, that you not do it?

In any case.  I love my navel piercing.  I love the way that it looks, how it fits my personality, and it can be how versatile out there with all the different types of jewelry.  The possibilities for personalising a belly piercing are almost endless, and it is great, the look of my piercing with my mood can change.

Here are some of my favorite piece of belly jewelry:

Modish Circular Crystal Belly with DanglesSingle Red Rose Belly Button RingAntique Mezuma Coin Chandelier Belly RingBlack Gem Gothic Cross Heart BellyTurquoise Dreamcatcher Dangle Belly Button Ring

More information on Navel Piercings and jewellery styles look the belly piercings please category of the BodyCandy blog.

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