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1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 06
may not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / seemed I have this problem, always have, where you can put on weight! I never knew why, but then after searching, realized my metabolism is like Usain bolt on steroids!
Also, I mean, I want to get muscle and 'Hench' as people say... But I can never Reaaly put on weight, I can not much muscle attached and I find it hard to see any major difference in my bony shoulders! I would like to big shoulders!
I mean, I'm more and more, but not so much greater: / what can I do, become larger to easier?
P.S. I am 5 ft 6.5 and weigh about 57 kg now...
Thank you very much!

1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 13
Re: can not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / quite simply you not eat calories eating about 4000 calories eating enough, have a day 5 days a week after every meal and training to shake a protein 5 hours. Cardio on separate do days after go 5 miles outside, for a period, etc.. Enter a year and you look to bad will not! The track weight and fat. Make a note of fitness routine, include statistics, keep lifting higher and progress...
Also Deadlift and squat, VITAL!
Last edited by Manzzzzz; 1 Hour ago 01: 16.

1 hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 14
Re: can not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / questions how this amaze me
"like Swole I get"
the so-called lifting and eating like a horse
Job done

1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 17
Re: can not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / have a protein 5 hours on the day to shake the week 5 days after every meal and training. Cardio on separate do days after go outside for a period, etc. 5 miles.lolwut? Please be trolling. Protein shake after each meal. Nr to increase protein shake, is that, you need all the if at all. If you enough good foods such as meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts bread and dairy products, food, you need a protein shake not once - protein shakes are only for fast absorption after training and cannot be used as a main source of protein.
5 Hours a day? Lol ok
Eating more, heavy lifting. This is the advice you need. Don't listen to the guy. Eat 500 CALs on maintanence. / Thread

1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 21
Re: can not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / seemed I have this problem, always have, where you can put on weight! I never knew why, but then after searching, realized my metabolism is like Usain bolt on steroids!
Also, I mean, I want to get muscle and 'Hench' as people say... But I can never Reaaly put on weight, I can not much muscle attached and I find it hard to see any major difference in my bony shoulders! I would like to big shoulders!
I mean, I'm more and more, but not so much greater: / what can I do, become larger to easier?
P.S. I am 5 ft 6.5 and weigh about 57 kg now...
Thank you very much!
Are you doing weight lifting heavy weights? If you then your approach is wrong. Do the major third [Deadlifts, squat, bench press] and everything should be on schedule.
Assuming that you do it then maybe reduce the weight and do more reps induce sarcoplasmic hyper trophy instead of the Myofibrillar, better yet make a mixture of high/low weight sets.
EDIT: Read your last post, you want to be a 'Hench' / all ground, then you should eat like a pig...
Last edited by Ibysaiyan; 1 Hour ago 01: 23.

1 hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 21
Re: can not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / Lolwut? Please be trolling. Protein shake after each meal. Nr to increase protein shake, is that, you need all the if at all. If you enough good foods such as meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts bread and dairy products, food, you need a protein shake not once - protein shakes are only for fast absorption after training and cannot be used as a main source of protein.
5 Hours a day? Lol ok
Eating more, heavy lifting. This is the advice you need. Don't listen to the guy. Eat 500 CALs on maintanence. / Thread
Lol I exaggerate a little! But he wants to "BIG!"

57 Minutes ago: 28 July 2011 01: 32
Re: can not appear, put on much weight or muscle!: / , that overtraining would not get work, if he wanted to get "Bold!" big... What the * you are in 5 hours do? Negged on charging for Negging meDidn't neg, you dude! Take my challenge, that you will be great in a year! Cmon dude, you know that all sizes for more train!
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