Is it only sexist, if men do it?

6:55 Publicado por Mario Galarza

For questions and discussions on all aspects and types of relationships, of love and dating to friends, family and work. Threads of sexuality are also included. Health and Relationships forum guidelinesOld 1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 06 he is only sexist, if men do it?

How true is this?

And Sharon Osbourne really pisses me off.

Old1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 18 Re: it is only sexist, if men do it? Lol what he says it true...

However, he sounds like a jerk lmao

Old1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 25 Re: it is only sexist, if men do it? Lol what he says it true...

However, he sounds like a jerk lmao

To fair, when he said more boring demanding in a certain to be watching it would interfere with not many people. I actually originally saw it, because it is quite funny, but then I thought he had a point. Old 1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 27 Re: it is only sexist, if men do it? To fair, when he said more boring demanding in a certain to be watching it would interfere with not many people. I actually originally saw it, because it is quite funny, but then I thought he had a Punkt.Ich he agree with your point actually, but still sounds like a jerk lol

But I think you need to over come and sound like a Dick will have a point about other people not listen - why the * I just vomiting, what you said lol

Old1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 28 Re: it is only sexist, if men do it? A point Tbh has white man.

If I was the man that got cut off his penis you better believe I would send Sharon Osbourne to death threats until they or I die.

Old1 Hour ago: 28 July 2011 01: 30 Re: it is only sexist, if men do it?

How true is this?

And Sharon Osbourne really pisses me off.

At 5: 10 the only sane woman on the show makes an excellent point truncation a womans breast, that in the few laughing and they say it out and the different pools.

The movement, "Women strengthen" double standards is a joke.

Old29 Minutes ago: 28 July 2011 02: 00 Re: it is only sexist, if men do it? this guy is brilliant, men rule the world and more women should learn their place.

Jog to feminists.

EDIT: jog to silence on feminist haters, I are not marketed!

Last edited by grudge.; 20 Minutes ago at 02: 09.

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