Interview: from first-hand look eyebrows, tongue and Helix piercings

7:11 Publicado por Mario Galarza

We had an amazing interview with one of our favorite pierced staff here at the body candy, we started Miss Janna W. introducing them to the camera for our friends at home, and here is what had to say:

Body candy: How are you?

Janna: Well I'm doing. How are you?

Body candy: good. So can talk about what piercings you have.

Janna had their beautiful piercings for the camera, gesturing as she went:

Janna: I have two eyebrow rings on this page (she pointed to her left forehead), Helix on both sides (then at their upper ear gesturing), I can see anyway, and I have three earrings down the flaps on this page (pinch left ear lobe), and two below of this page (and with the right ear lobe kill).

Body candy: beautiful. What do you like about your piercings?

Janna: Ah…especially the eyebrow rings. I like that they are different. Most people have not two directly next to each other. Ha, I think now, more people do, but I have 'em for a long time and, uh, I know from my face not Know…they kind of balance. I like the way that they look.

I feel strangely without EM.

Body candy: When did you get it? How old were you?

Janna: I was 18 years of age. I wanted to always em since seventh grade. For some unknown reason have I only decided that I wanted to have two, and I done 'em six weeks apart, cause she have em both at the same time.

Body candy: right. Do you have a favorite story to your piercings?

Janna: Well, I think the first one: I have Helix piercings and two lobe piercings done on the same day, when I was about fifteen, and same night of my friends had a Lager-Out. So I was in a tent with no pillow fell asleep, and it was not a good idea. So, Yes, if you are Helix piercings receive, do on one side, and wait until it heals, and then get, so you can actually go to sleep for a while! (giggle)

Body candy: So, take the healing time on those a bit?

Janna: Yes. With the Helix tends to be quite a while take the cartilage piercings, before they are really healed and she hurt not at all. I mean sometimes ever after on...

Body candy: What is your eyebrow rings?

Janna: Uh, eyebrow rings, they take a month, you know, six weeks or something like that, before you can change 'em out. But they always best if you touch not 'em and leave em alone.

Body candy: No other stories?

Janna: Well, when I sixteen I got my tongue stuck, and uh, I have tried to hide it, as most would probably do young people from my mother. And we were prom Shop dress, and I was this really expensive dress wear, and if you have a tongue ring, it is really difficult, much play with him, and she saw it. It was really crazy, and it is like "Take off the dress!" "Home we!" And uh, she wanted me to take it out and I not take it out. I convinced them that it was better to keep in, what it was. And uh, I kept it until I was 19, then I took it out for a job that I had

Body candy: they do not allow that it?

Janna: No, but it was fun while it lasted. (a little giggle)

Body candy: So any advice you have for someone who would like to receive a tongue, or eyebrows or Helix piercing?

Janna: Uh, definitely you wait until you old enough, to, if it is your decision, the cause, itself, be a lot between, changes you know if you are twelve or thirteen, and when you are done themselves are actually old enough, to get it. Around, and think about, only a lot about it. Make sure that it is something that you really want to, and that the way, what about you. You can a picture of himself and the piercing on It-

Body candy: - That's a good idea.

Janna:- or you can get some of faux jewelry like a faux nose ring or a lip ring and just try it on and see if you the way it looks. You will find if you way, which feels it with something that you know are installed on your face.

Body candy: right.

Janna. Play with it a lot and whatever.

Body candy: Okay, well, thanks for you come in today.

Janna: No problem. I come every day. It's work!

Then we laughed together for a brief moment, and that was the.

To retrieve Janna's appearance: Janna segment wearing rings, ball caught rings and closure rings, such as those below.

Beautiful Sterling Closure Rings

View the original article here

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