National Blueberry month
You may not, that national Blueberry month is July. Since 1999, that Blueberry was a reason to celebrate in the whole United States this tasty little berries are not only delicious, they are particularly good for you, because they contain many powerful antioxidants that can help you by cancer and other diseases to protect. Blueberries are also low in calories, have almost no fat, and are very low in sodium. In many ways, they are the perfect food. You have also a rich history.

A lot of folklore about blueberries developed the Indians. Little five-pointed star is the top of Blueberry, also known as the Cup. They were also the "Star-berries" and suspected of being, the great spirit will be sent. They were used for teas, medicinal products and in many different types of food. It uses also the pigment from blueberries to dye clothes, baskets and much more. The pigment in these berries anthocyanin means and range from deep blue to a reddish color purple. This pigment containing the word "Turquoise" comes from the Greek word Kyanos meaning, blue. It is a very strong pigment so not to get it on your clothes be careful. Blueberries can color also your teeth, but they are also good for you not to eat them! Just make sure you to your mouth with water then swish, because the blue pigment is soluble in water.
Looking for some clever ways to integrate national Blueberry month in your style? Try the blue beaded jewelry, such as this royal blue charm bracelet. The small blue pearls look like blueberries hugging your wrist.

Or you can use for some brilliant Blueberry toned titanium body jewelry. Simply select your shadow!

I knew not at all, there were something like national Blueberry month in the United States. of you guys do all of this hear voice dial? So or so, that's pretty neat.
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