Teaching salary

16:47 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Hi of guys

I'm 19, and last year I got a post Office Admin in small businesses and my reward was 4.83, then has me on as an apprentice and myself equal pay paid, taking into account the minimum wage for apprenticeship is 2.50. Is in the completed my training and my head it says a salary review for me (he's in the hope that I stay on), you guys have any idea what kind of salary I look at should be?. I have good grades all my Gcses and Alvels. I wrote it about a year.

I am aware that the rest of the staff do not get a decent wage, and the Chief hasnt given most people a wage increase in the last couple of years, he's a bit tight with money. I do work in the Office, but sometimes transformed will do it, because my company I is small in a personal assistant a bit of everything.

I know that the boss is desperate to me on, and need to keep them more than I need, the company is local to me me. She promised, pay for an education in my apprenticeship but this hasnt happened yet, they too like to bribe me say that I companies abroad soon will visit Blablablabaaa.

What salary should I investigate be? and what should I pay?

About wages in my age should be? i do not of want to be greedy, but then again I would like to not be taken, because I know that I can get a job somewhere else which pays more than min wage claim.


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