Anyone else missing offers concerned? (KCL)

The stress is to make me sick.

I would like to Miss not my offer and become a diabetic!
OMG! This is the exact same paper which ruin my chances is! I anything aced and got the notes in the hand but that biology is the mess to me big time. I actually wake up in the middle of the night marbles through UCAS track. Which price plan you to do?

OMG! This is the exact same paper which ruin my chances is! I anything aced and got the notes in the hand but that biology is the mess to me big time. I actually wake up in the middle of the night marbles through UCAS track. Which price plan you to do?
MED.. I need 90 to the in this paper... and the worst bit is that I still have no insurance... Hopefully, the degrees are limits low coz of the fb-Complaninig...WBU? Wat course have to apply for?

WBU? Wat course have to apply for?
OMG! (I say this much

Me too. KCL is my only University as well. I asked my other one to me, than I would be happy not version. I complained to me my heart out to on the FB page! I am * hopefully * go and do French.
Grade boundaries are published in two days btw... I hope it is 55-60 for an a in F215 and 40 / 60 in F214. Or screwed I am....

That really did it with my two last tests for me.
When I picture then get fantastic on Thursday.

That really did it with my two last tests for me.
When I picture then get fantastic on Thursday.
It sucks, doesn't it? I would like to go only to the Kings.

What course interesting?
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