Is anti-Americanism just jealousy?
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Discuss events occurring around the world, relations between countries, or actions of any group or organization with an international focus.

The USA deposed an evil dictator and is fighting the face of evil in the form of the Taliban. Middle-Easterns can be so ungrateful at times.
You mean murdered 650,000 innocent Iraqi civilians?Stop terrorising the globe and the United States will not be viewed as a beacon of international terrorism by the global community.

I wouldn't call that being surpassed.
More importantly there is nothing wrong between the countries but it's people like you who continually bash on other countries and then expect no bashing back that astonish me.
Last edited by Stratos; 2 Minutes Ago at 15:24.
I have nothing particularly "against" the US, I just think in general it's not really "my kind of country". I'd love to spend some time in NY though, as I also have friends there, but it's a bit of a melting pot and more "European" than most of the US. I have friends from L.A., the Southern states, East Coast etc. The spirit of LA people is just not for me - shallow, empty and non-cultural. I don't feel the need to go whatsoever. People from the Southern states are extremely "American", have an accent I hate, tend to be obese and somewhat ignorant. I know plenty of people from this area - many with education who lives in Europe. They are friends of mine, but we really don't "click". Plus the extremely religious attitude is just not for me.
I know all of these things can be found in Europe as well (before you say anything), it's not an "us against them" kind of thing. But I couldn't live in the US and I don't think they have anything to offer there which you cannot find here.
Truth is no matter how nationalistic Americans are and proud of their country, their dream is usually to go to Europe. All young women want to travel through London, Paris, Milan, Rome etc., or preferably spend a year abroad, meet a French aristocrat or Italian hunk and live happily ever after...
Thing is, I can easily get fed up with Americans whom are soo partial to where they come from, yet they secretly admire everything about Europe. France and Italy are seen as the gastronomic pioneers, all fashion they love come from Italy, they love the English accent and think of the English as classy and cultured (however false it may be). The Americans which really have class and sophistication - WASPs - are obviously direct European exports. Whenever an American thinks I dress classy, they say "you look so European!". Cracks me up
I love Americans in small doses, and I think it's wonderful how social they are, but the majority are too chatty and loud for me. I feel like they consider me a snob for being into the arts, literature or poetry. I'm not the type who watches "Gossip girl" and the girls I know from the US who spend money on designer clothes are too over the top for my taste. Plus I don't like how people who have money always talk about it.
Yes these are generalizations, but what you have to judge from are experiences, and I have a very international group of friends so it's as good a judgment as any.

I wouldn't call that being surpassed.
More importantly there is nothing wrong between the countries but it's people like you who continually bash on other countries and then expect no bashing back that astonish me.
And the British, Spanish and French empires were formed when loads of other countries decided to give their countries up to Europe. It was a very moral affair fuelled by good will and concern.Yeah, there are ghettos in America. That must mean America is a terrible country!

Are Europeans taught from a young age to hate America or something?
Simply put, Brits are very ignorant and forget just how bad the UK is and try to make out that everywhere else is worse so they do not feel like they have a crap deal.
Are Europeans taught from a young age to hate America or something?
also people who dislike america are a lot likely to express their views than people who have nothing against america, arent they?
Stop terrorising the globe and the United States will not be viewed as a beacon of international terrorism by the global community.
Murdered is a very biased term.Furthermore, this thread wasn't about what the Middle East thinks of the USA (because quite frankly I couldn't give a ****). It was about British/European attitudes. I can guarantee that the average European doesn't hate the USA because of its foreign policy towards Arabs.

Don't get your history from the film Pearl Harbour

Yeah, there are ghettos in America. That must mean America is a terrible country!
Those ghettos seem to be largely ignored sadly.
Furthermore, this thread wasn't about what the Middle East thinks of the USA (because quite frankly I couldn't give a ****). It was about British/European attitudes. I can guarantee that the average European doesn't hate the USA because of its foreign policy towards Arabs.
I can guarantee for a fact that Europeans have a seething hatred of American terrorism in the middle east. I can see you're trying to delude yourself otherwise already because you can't face the facts
Oh and no, 'murder' is not a biased term - it's an accurate term to describe the nature of American actions in the middle east.
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