Time to celebrate harvest with Lammas
Lughnasadh or Lammas is the pagan, Wiccan and Neopagan Festival is a celebration of the first harvest of the year. It is traditionally celebrated on 1 August in the northern hemisphere (February 1st in the southern hemisphere). It is designed to honor the seeds and fruits with plants and the spirit of the grain. This holiday is for Lugh (pronounced Loo), named the Irish Sun God and refers to his funeral games. However, this is not his funeral. It is the funeral of his mother Tailtiu promote. There are many events in the context of Lammas including Tailteann craft fairs and Tailteann marriages, both named after his mother to promote.

The traditional Tailteann are marriages when temporarily married couples for a year and a day and after that they are free, separate or continue on as they had for the previous year. The marriages were usually done by holding hands through a hole in a wooden door, or by a Handfasting ceremony to do, where were draped in a rope or cord to a figure 8, to create the symbol of infinity's hands.
Traditional foods from apples, cereals, bread and berries and grapes, Heather, sloe, crab Lammas holiday celebrations include apples and pears. Participants celebrate by a celebration with family and friends to share. Save the seeds from the fruit during the celebration eaten plant and then. Enjoy nature and spend time to reflect them and appreciating all that has given the Earth. There was also traditional funeral games around this festival, the art, as the Irish version of the Olympic Games were.
You questions themselves perhaps, what you can do to Lammas in life and integrated style. There are tons of ways to show your pagan festive spirit including pagan jewelry. Traditionally, the symbol of the Pentagram (fünfzackigen, interconnected star in a circle) is a pagan symbol and the Sun God, Lugh is celebrated with Sun symbols. Here are some ideas of jewelry that you can add to your wardrobe:

You can decorate at home also this customizable Sun Star ornaments preserved. Happy Lammas!

You have a lot of useful elements of analysis on this website. The ornaments for Lammas are a really nice idea. Cheers.
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