Robert Kleisinger interview

16:06 Publicado por Mario Galarza

We talk a lot about security for you, because we worry about you and we make sure that we do everything, we want to keep you safe, smart and savvy, while you are online. The Internet is an awesome place to chat with friends, have fun, learn about entertainment news, games and homework help, and we want to keep it this way for each one of you. But sometimes we hear stories about the kinds of things that happen online for young people, who perhaps do not recognize the danger out there is. Let not your personal data you give, not because we don't trust you, but because we don't trust some of the people, which unfortunately are, are hunting for innocent children behind an online persona.

So here's a story, that which we heard and we were fortunate enough to interview that his teenage daughter, not only the man of victims rescued by a cyber-predator, but countless others saved.

"Post media news September 22, 2011-5: 06 PM ET"

By Rochelle Baker

ABBOTSFORD, BC - A father, a 15-year-old girl online because the man sexually entices his daughter teenage snare received an award of Abbotsford Police Board on Tuesday.

Robert Kleisinger contacted police in the spring of 2009 to be noted that a 33-year-old males carried out inappropriate chat with his 15-year-old daughter.

Kleisinger Internet-monitoring software on his computer installed, and wanted the information "Plush" crime led to charges against Jason journey, also in the United States for violating probation after a property condemnation.

The concerned dad continues to travel the Internet presence to monitor after the charges were laid and found that the culprit on online social networking sites, a violation of his bail conditions yet published what.

Posing as a 15 year old girl, Kleisinger a dummy Facebook account set up in October 2010.

He "friended" a number of the journey of the famous and soon after the online predators, prohibits using the Internet or communicate with minors - contact.

After multiple online conversations travel plans made its new online-' friend ' meet and buy drugs with her.

During the entire online sting Kleisinger records and maintained contact with Abbotsford police. All efforts paid off again arrested after trip was, his bail was revoked and was returned to prison until his trial.

The sex offenders guilty to lure a child via computer and invitation to sexual touching due in April 2011. Soon after his plea on the basis of a double credit received for six months, he was released from prison.

But within days, Canada border services Agency (CBSA) handed to US authorities.

Journey, a landed immigrant in Canada, re-entry into the country is prohibited after his deportation, now that he has served six months behind bars.

Abbotsford mayor George Peary Kleisinger at the distribute him the award for his actions praised.

"Their actions primarily Abbotsford to free convicted sex offenders", said Peary. "The city and the Abbotsford Police Department are grateful for your efforts in this guy nails." Well done. "Well done."

Abbotsford times


So if you sometimes think we become controls with your privacy and security too strictly, recognize that we only find! We want you to have fun and safe online.

The KW-team

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