Player vs slut
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I was watching a film, which got me googling some stuff and came up with this :
A high school student who has already slept with 10 people enters a new school. What people will say about this person's sexual experiences depends on one factor: gender.If this person is a male, he will be admired by his fellow males, and perhaps even desired by females. Guys will respect him and girls will be impressed by his experience. He is generally referred to as "the player."
However, if this person is a girl she will most likely be subjected to ridicule and disrespect by her peers. Males will try to use her, hoping that they can get her into bed, and females will despise her out of disgust, or in some cases, jealousy. She is generally referred to as "the slut."
"It's a huge double standard. If you're a guy and you sleep with everyone you're automatically cool. If you're a girl and you sleep with everyone you're automatically a slut," said Bianca Penaloza, a senior at Coral Gables High in South Miami.
This player vs. slut philosophy is familiar to most students, and although no one girl deserves to be treated cheaply, the media repeatedly emits messages that this dangerous double standard is correct and should not be challenged.
"What the media is trying to tell us is that if girls are 'bad' or sexually promiscuous it's OK to punish them," said Kim Walsh-Childers, a professor of journalism at the University of Florida who studies the portrayal of women in the media. "They're saying, 'we have no sympathy for you.' "
Although the media want women to be pure, they also want them to be sexy. Advertisements, television shows and movies often only feature overly thin, impossibly beautiful women to promote their product or program. In a 1986 study by Silverstein, Peterson, Perdue and Kelly, 69 percent of female television characters are thin and only 5 percent are overweight. These contradictory images leave some teenage girls confused about which path is the norm, and how each girl should behave.
Men translate only one message from the media: you are not cool if you don't have sex.
"I cannot think of one male hero or main character who is not sexually active," Walsh-Childers said. "Except if the character is a nerd. They want you to think that the only boys not having sex are the nerds who cannot get anyone to sleep with them."
Therefore, it is no wonder that men are praised for their sexual achievements. "Everybody has a fantasy about having all the girls, so other guys look up to guys who sleep around," said Bill Ferrara, senior at Gulf Breeze High .
Women still cannot win. With two pictures of how a woman should behave -- seductive or chaste - teenage girls are set up to feel shameful no matter which image they choose to mimic.
For example, Bill, the same teenager that just related that guys look up to the "player" figure in school, said, "Every guy wants a girl who's pure."
Kim Davis, a junior at Gulf Breeze High, said, "In school, people look down on girls who are considered trashy. But girls also get ragged on for being too much of a prude. Guys will say, 'Oh, why can't you just loosen up and have a little fun.'"
The 1996 slasher film parody, Scream, is a prime example of the attitudes towards women that people deem "slutty." Tatum, the provocative and sexually promiscuous best-friend character, is one of the first to be murdered by a pair of psychotic teenage killers.
As Randy, another Scream character points out, to survive a typical slasher movie a girl should never have sex. Only the virgin survives. This theme is also carried out through other horror movies like Halloween.
Meanwhile, the supposed Scream "good girl" survivor and virgin, Sidney, is a model of beauty and sexiness. Her dress is at times revealing and she fits the American beauty standard. She keeps her boyfriend in sexual frustration while never actually giving up her virginity.
Ironically, the same purity that women are expected to posses is also what potentially makes them unattractive and boring.
James Bond films also illustrate the difference between sexually active men and sexually active women. The plot of many Bond films center around the fact that he sleeps with six or seven different women throughout the film. "He is rewarded for this behavior, not punished," Walsh-Childers said.
The media also sends other double standards into the minds of women. When one pictures the physical appearance of the so-called perfect woman, there are not a great deal of physical characteristics to choose from, Walsh-Childers said. The media only sends women one type of woman to aspire to look like. They send the supermodel image; tall, thin, with flawless skin and hair.
Men, on the other hand, can look any number of ways and still fit into the male beauty standard because the media does not send audiences only one type of man, Walsh-Childers said. "There is a broader range of what is accepted to be a sex symbol as a male. You can be older, heavier, or bald."
Many young women believe older men such as Robert Redford, Sean Connery, and Richard Gere are viable sex symbols. It is not as common for men to find sexual appeal in older women.
Music videos are a very common place where women are objectified while men are heroes. In music videos by male artists, they depict a story which is commonly a male fantasy. In the video, the singer always gets the girl. Moreover, the women are not presented as much more than sexual objects. They are always willing and interested in sex, and that is the only function they serve. They never reject the male, "no matter how unattractive they are, no matter how much of a jerk they are," said Walsh-Childers.
Television has an enormous influence on men and women perceptions in society. In soap operas, the seductive women are often also the villains. The audience is drawn to be attracted to her, but at the same time, hate her for her enticing qualities. Other studies show that there are more employed male personas on television than there are women.
The thoughts and ideas transmitted through television, movies, music videos and advertisements are designed to be easily soaked up by the minds of Americans everywhere, especially teens. Walsh-Childers said these double standards -- which have been blamed for damaging female self-esteem and self-image -- did not originate in the media, but the media reinforces them.
"Women are no longer going to have any self-esteem, which could lead to things like drugs and suicide. Girls may end up having sex for all the wrong
reasons," said junior Krista Cole of Bloomingdale High School in Valrico.
1. Why is a guy who has sex a lot considered to be a player yet a girl who has sex alot considered to be a slut?
2. Why is there a double standard? Can't a woman be a player too?
3. If sluts are so bad why does everyguy hit on the easy girls? It would seem to me youd be better off trying to game the prudes or the ones who arent easy? Last edited by Calabria; 53 Minutes Ago at 02:31.


2. Why is there a double standard? Can't a woman be a player too?
3. If sluts are so bad why does everyguy hit on the easy girls? It would seem to me youd be better off trying to game the prudes or the ones who arent easy?[/B]1. Because getting sex without commitment is much, much easier for women than it is for men. That's why the prostitution industry is overwhelmingly dominated by females selling themselves to males.
2. Pointless question
3. Because they want easy sex. No on actually wants a relationship with a slut.

TL;DR go straight to questions
I was watching a film, which got me googling some stuff and came up with this :
1. Why is a guy who has sex a lot considered to be a player yet a girl who has sex alot considered to be a slut?
2. Why is there a double standard? Can't a woman be a player too?
3. If sluts are so bad why does everyguy hit on the easy girls? It would seem to me youd be better off trying to game the prudes or the ones who arent easy?
He has to be confident, in shape, easy to talk to etc.
A girl just has to be willing to spread her legs to get a guy.
And many guys stay away from sluts, or only trash/desperate people go for sluts

Relationship with a 'slut'? If a girl has low standards and sleeps with just about anyone, of course I wouldn't want a relationship with her. If a girl just happens to have had a few casual encounters outside of a relationship, I wouldn't think differently. Social equality is important...
Last edited by mikeylfc1989; 28 Minutes Ago at 02:56.
Relationship with a 'slut'? If a girl has low standards and sleeps with just about anyone, of course I wouldn't want a relationship with her. If a girl just happens to have had a few casual encounters outside of a relationship, I wouldn't think any differently.
OK, but how does this relate to my post? I didn't say it matters, I just offered an explanation for why this phenomenon of difference occurs.
I personally don't care how many guys a girl has slept with, if it's more than me then I can't really comment as that'd be hypocritical. As long as the sex is good, I really like the girl I'd still get into a relationship with her.
Once you realise it's literally, just sex, this sort of discrimination will stop. Hell I'll call girls I like a slut just for lols, so long as she's banterous and can lol back at it.
I say everyone becomes a slut and we just have one massive orgy to solve this problem.
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