Chemical engineering consulting

2:01 Publicado por Mario Galarza

O.k. so I currently take biology, chemistry, mathematics and history at AS
I am history at A2 drop.

Meng chemical engineering or BEng if would like to apply for my's I was worse than expected.
Tesco, or God forbid, if I went completely fail.

My problem is a number of factors:

1. The first is the physics that I transfer physics regret history, but I think I can still, in chemical engineering without getting it, there is no University but I've heard that it is preferred. In addition, set off the lack of physics helps M1 and M2.

2. Which universities offer good facilities for this course, I thought first of bio medical sciences and then I remembered how boring, that's for me, so I really not much depth in this. In the think Manchester and UCL.

3. Although I have some understanding of chemical engineering and it seems like the perfect theme for me, someone can give me thanks to some first hand insight in.

Thank you very much.

P.s. take: what Specalisation routes can we?

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