Disclose information, if by a re-targetting?

18:52 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Hi all

I am a mature student (almost 30 + keep BA/MA from previous studies) who wants to study law as part of a career shift. I was not in my application of LSE, UCL and KCL, successful, although I an offer by Queen Mary. I have converted my offer and start in September study want to, but I would like to have on the above mentioned schools in the next cycle application reapply.

Is my question in the UCAS application form, I Queen Mary senior status LLB? Since I'm my UCAS submit application mid-September, and I expect that results way have the application before tests, should I bother? Could my application hamper somehow this information opportunities on the LSE/UCL/KCL?

FYI, I am becoming starting LLB at Queen Mary, in any case because there is no way I can be sure of the recent results of the application. If I at some point early in the school year approved get, I intend to set my study at QM and falls back on my existing freelance work.

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