Fat but healthy on paper?

14:32 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I am with a BMI of 38 obese, and at 5 feet 5 I weight about 16 stone.

I have some fairly recent tests had run, because I want to start a weight loss regime, and although I am very fat have no reference to develop diabetes, my cholesterol levels are really healthy and my blood pressure is low.

I'm basically on paper next to my weight quite healthy probably doesn't drink due to my and Veggie is.

I have anaemia (due to the hard times by a hormone imbalance causes) and a high heart rate of about 78bpm while resting.

My family doctor thinks that anemia could be more to do with my, but I feel really terrible and out of breath on the go.

How can I be so fat and are not in worse shape than this?

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