HKU financial and accounting

0:40 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I got from HKU for accounting and FINACE through early admission scheme, accepts I wonder if it's worth, is to take the offer.

A Littleabout me: I have 11 a * s one for my Gcses and 5 * for a level predictions (I'm at the end of the l6th at the moment), and I expect that get I did more than 95% for most modules. I first choice medicine Hku and Cuhk requested, but got rejected, so this is the only way I would accept. My original plan is the application for Cambridge, LSE, UCL, Warwick for economy next year - I'm more intersted in economics as a financial and accounting, and I also heard that ACC and fin isnt worth it its boring and in the far better doing business say a course at University - my teachers and some ppl in the financial sector.

but this is not my main concern, my main concern is Whehter a good career can I get from ACC and fin of Hku. I've heard that other Finnce courses, such as for example the world financial markets course (or something similar) is far better than financial and accounting career wise. should I risk it for Cambridge or should I rules for Hku? Career comes first (whole life), interesting is second (3-4 years of my life) and cost comes third.

And also, if anyone knows if tell me the differences between the various finance courses offered by Hku, Cuhk and Hkust career, what are view (not the details of the curriculum) and why it is such a huge difference? I was not aware when I applied early this year.

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