Strange dreams?
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41 Minutes ago: July 11, 2011 01: 58-I had a dream of this thread would be worth reading.
30 Minutes ago: 11 July 2011 02: 08
does anyone else have trouble remembering your dreams?Yes of course.
30 Minutes ago: 11 July 2011 02: 09 my wake up dream-rich of the utter mundane, ie, getting dressed, going to classes, home to come, go to bed, then actually awake, the absolutely freaked - opening my Cabinet and foaming-at the mouth Hamster jump on my face by a killer whale at the swimming pool being eaten, is outside and it starts raining golf balls to name of a few.

Turned into a nightmare.

They have so many dreams one night, you may have forgotten it all.
Sometimes I do not remember all dreams at all.

We remember only a tiny amount of our dreams (CBA always sources, but it's somewhere...) so maybe you dream of your friend, simply do not recognize, dun DUN Dun...
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