MEDLink Conference 2011

Who is this year Medlink Conference participation in? If so, who is by train from London?
I am from Poland, and I've never before to London, I am afraid that I get lost somewhere between the airport and train station...

Save time and money. It is useless.

Save time and money. It is useless.
This!It's literally

I don't think that Medlink is a waste of money at this point, perhaps I will change my opinion after the return, but what ever. Everyone told me that I am crazy, that I joined Cambridge open days, travel, hotel and everything paid lots of money. But it was worth. So... I think it depends on, and that's all.
At least you will can get a better feel for the United Kingdom
Silver lining on the horizon and all that...

I know that good not London, but which can help you here.

Have you tried the Medlink contact people and they will be asked whether they can put students in conjunction with London?
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