By: Space Kitty

2:50 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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She SMS'd me this afternoon saying "How would you feel if I came home with my belly pierced?"

I'm not absolutely sure why I'm uneasy about this. I am concerned about infection, getting snagged on things & possibly tearing her skin and possibly scarring. When I told her that, she asked how it was any different to her nose piercing. (I also have a pierced nose, and have done since I was her age.)
She's always looked after her ear & nose piercings and has never had an infection, so I do trust her to follow post-piercing care instructions.

I've done a quick browse of some web sites, and it seems like navel piercings take much longer to heal & may be more painful than ear/nose piercings.

She doesn't do any sport or ever get particularly sweaty, and only goes swimming if I take her somewhere tropical.

It's also unlikely many people will ever see it, as she is quite a conservative dresser. She is fashionable and terribly cute (a friend best described her as "dainty"), but she rarely has uncovered legs & arms, and NEVER reveals her midriff in public, so it's not like she'll be out & and about with her belly out all over the place.

The place she asked at today said that at 16 she doesn't need parental permission (we're in Melbourne, Australia and she has a job so has the financial means.) If she does get it done I will make sure it's done somewhere reputable, she gets quality jewellery and follows after-care.

So, as I continue my journey of coming to terms with the fact my precious little baby is growing up and making decisions that I have less & less say in, please share with us your anecdata of poking holes in your belly button before I become totally irrational and start quoting why Traditional Chinese Medicine & acupuncture thinks it's a terrible idea.

I'm interested in short term issues, as well as long term (pregnancy & post pregnancy issues, aging saggy belly when she is 90, laparoscopy issues if she should ever need one, etc)

Mental dilemma over whether to categorise this under Fashion or Health

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