Bridge piercings

17:26 Publicado por Mario Galarza

A bridge piercing is a piercing through the skin on the bridge of the nose, usually directly between the eyes of the wearer. The bridge piercing is also known as a "Erl" or "Earl" piercing, the first recipient, Erl van Aken. A variant of this piercing, the vertical bridge piercing is a surface piercing.

Photo courtesy of GoneJustLikeBefore - profile bridge piercing
The risk of rejection is pretty high for this piercing, as it is a surface pass through. It is also a high risk of scarring if the jewelry is removed, so before some time to think about a few things take over a bridge piercing - the fold of the skin on the bridge of the nose differs for each person, with the Piercist to verify whether they think it is right for you. Do you wear glasses? If Yes, note that that a bridge piercing received on your glasses, to switch objective contact... Glasses are designed for people with bridge piercings, but they are rare, and they replaced may have additional problems. Questions your piercer which go jewelry, you of course on the bridge of your nose to for the best match for your face and the amount of loose skin,.

Bridge piercings are most often pierced with straight barbells, although curved barbells and bars are also possible first jewellery surface. Once the piercing is healed, it is possible a ball closure ring, though a D-ring style ring can be caused by the pressure of the piercing, prevention of migration depending on the placement by the shape of a ring.

How many other facial piercings there are many misconceptions about bridge piercings. Some involve eye problems, such as such as involuntary eye crossing. Other beliefs have infections from piercings to the brain, via the sinuses to do with distribution. Bridge piercings are a minor piercing and result in very few risks or complications and does not affect the eyes.

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