Barbell body jewelry: Sizing, measurement and standards overview

1:35 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Barbell body jewelry: sizing, measurement and standards overview: BodyCandy body jewelry blog body {background-image: URL (;} Background-color: # e5e5e5; Background-position: top left; Background-attachment: Scroll; {Background-repeat: repeat-X;}# featured images Rotator {background: url('');}}# Featured image rotator, # featured image rotator-wrapper {width: 780px;} Height: 200px; {Text-align: left;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images link-overlay {height: 200px;} Width: 780px; Position: absolute; Top: 0; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured-images-link {text-decoration: none;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay {width: 780px;} Position: absolute; bottom: 0; Text-align: Center; Padding: px; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {padding-bottom: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header a {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}# one featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}Jun28Barbell body jewelry: Sizing, measurement and standards OverviewBy Lorna

Today we cover the general standards, dimensioning and measurement for barbell body jewelry, starting with the piercing, which is most commonly used style and size barbell: the tongue.

Usually 16 mm tongue ring dumbbells are (5 / 8) long, although they can be found also known as 12 mm (1 / 2), and as long as 19 mm (about 3 / 4).  These are straight and have a size measurement of space between the two decorative end, so proper sizing is usually very easy.

Straight Barbell Tongur Ring

For belly rings barbell is bent, but length is still and will be measured as the length from tip to tip, not the full length of the barbell.

Measuring Navel Rings

Standard sizing for these elements is 11 mm, and in general it can be seen, 10 mm (3 / 8) and 12 mm (1 / 2) as well.

Curved Barbell Belly Rings

There are also adjustable belly rings on the market for those, who need specialty sizing or looking to keep a piercing through pregnancy.  These are found start most in 1 1/2 2? long and are made of moving materials such as Bioplast or PTFE, which can be cut off and then self-threaded to the desired length.

Moveable Adjustable Belly Barbells

Eyebrows dumbbells are measured and size very similar to those of the belly rings; the only difference is that they are smaller.  The standard length for this type of jewelry is 8 mm (5 / 16) or 10 mm (3 / 8).  Some larger size and usually not more than the need to specialty half to one inch.

Curved Eyebrow Barbell Rings

Some straight barbells as those for an industrial ear-piercing are slightly more difficult when it comes, sizing.  Due to the variation in the sizes and wide of the human ear standard sizing encompasses a wide range for these pieces, usually about 28 mm to 38 mm.  However for industrial or framework the ear or those who are vertical, sizes as small as an inch and full ear of industrials as long as for 44 mm (1 3/4), provide area of the shell.

Industrial Barbell Body JewelryAnd there you have it!  Check the rest of our jewelry sizing category, and stay tuned to the blog BodyCandy for more information about the measurement, sizing, standards and styles.             Categories: belly jewelry piercings, body jewelry, ear piercing, eyebrow piercing, facial piercings, industrials, jewelry sizing, tongue piercings, unisex leave here to cancel a ReplyClick answer.

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