Court it's Hall of shame
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Kidzworld’s Hall of Shame is back – and better than ever! We’re inviting all Kidzworld Members to submit your most embarrassing, hideous, mortifying, turn-your-face-red moment of all time – you know, the stuff you thought you’d never live down but are now ready to talk about in public!
We’ll pick the Most Mortifying Moments and induct them into the Hall of Shame by including them in a weekly round-up story. Here are the best-of-the-best embarrassing moments for the week – congrats to all our new Hall of Shamers!
Hall of Shame
Psst: To submit YOUR Hall of Shame moment, check out our step-by-step instructions at the very end of this story …
Snake Date
Scary Snakes
Submitted by: owl!!! 03
My crush and I were walking around a lake when we saw a snake. I got so scared I hid behind him and he laughed. Then we ran and ran and ran!
Slip Dip
Slippery When Wet
Submitted by: slip ‘n’ slider
My friend took me to this super-fun lake with rock waterslides. Her brother was going to go down one of them. I said to my friend, "I wanna go see your brother go down the waterfall." I started to walk over and I slipped. Next thing I knew I was holding onto a not very large rock for dear life as my legs went over the edge into a waterfall. All of a sudden this strange guy says, "Hold on," and I reached out and grab his hand. He pulled me to safety. I was speechless, my stomach was turning and my face was bright red!
Eye Spy
Goo Goo Eyes
Submitted by: im_not_tellin_my_name
I was in math class and I was looking at my friend who sat right next to my crush. My teacher saw me and decided to say, "Stop making goo goo eyes at...uhh...whoever you're looking at!" The whole class was laughing at me!
Stain Pain
Shirt Stain
Submitted by: EpicFailure
I was in the lunch room getting ready to get my lunch. My crush, Jon, was behind me, and my best friend, Raymi, was in front of me. After getting my pizza, soda and milk, I paid the lunch lady. Then Jon stuck out his foot. I tripped and splashed root beer all over Raymi's white shirt! She was soooo mad at me, and I apologized a billion times. Luckily, I didn't get any on myself!
Think YOU can out-embarrass these Hall of Shamers??? Here’s how to submit your Hall of Shame moment to us (make sure you follow these steps carefully, or your message might get missed):
Go to the Dear Dish-it web formType in your secret nicknameMake sure you type HALL OF SHAME in the subject lineType out your hall of Shame moment - be as detailed as possible for a better chance of making the weekly top 10!Click on the Send Question button and you’re done!Related StoriesHall of Shame (July 16, 2010)Hall of Shame: What’s Your Most Mortifying Moment?Hall of Shame - Embarrassing MomentsHall of Shame - Flashings and B.O. readers voted! Love15Hate2 Comments
I love Shishons wrote:
I was jumping rope and my pants fell down infront of the whole class and I didnt know s...
commented: Sun Jun 26, 2011

joslyn joy wrote:
Lolz... they need to get more embarassing tho!
commented: Sun Jun 26, 2011

shailka wrote:
well how do you know they probly were embbarssing it didnt happen to you
commented: Sat Jun 25, 2011
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