I should tell him already right now

22:07 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Old36 Minutes ago: 29 June 2011 friends were 01: 25, should I only tell him, even now with this guy come up to 3 years, although last summer he returned to his native country, and we since feb speaking didn't. Just if I should tell him even after all this time anyway, here are some background information is basically wondering....

I have him more and more as friends like to but majorly feared rejection, and so on, and before I knew it, we were close friends with nothing really develop. Left I said to myself, that I had to get over him, and gradually was but not entirely succeeding, as I had more contact with him and again. I don't know what I wanted at the time, but it kind of felt nice/better than nothing at all, also to have, still, even though I knew that I eventually get over it. During these months, I would totally want to phases (such as when some the impression that he never thought gave me of me in this way its messages) contact with other live with hope.

Anyway, that he, I do had written that as something with nature in a new relationship-I thought is derived in February I noticed an online status, that it, I have at once move. I then deleted him from all online chat, etc. and it Facbeook feed shut off. But yesterday after months strongly I gave in looked at his Facebook page and realized (by various posts), which never was he in a relationship...I had jumped misinterpreted to conclusions and his former status. In fact, for the whole 3 years that I have seems known, the it single, becoming that looking around me, quite rare (most people I know move from a relationship to the next). I realized that as long as it is one I can't stop thinking about him and in the hope, even if it is a small speck of hope. I white not really what I realistic of these Tbh get as he in another country, but in fact would like to know if people think it is to tell him my feelings one for always value?

Old30 Minutes ago: 29 June 2011 01: 31 Re: should I say him even now now, if you think it is the only way to click...

Do you think realistically, that you could have a relationship with him?

Old27 Minutes ago: 29 June 2011 01: 34 Re: should I say him even now now, if you think it is the only way to click...

Do you think realistically, that you could have a relationship with him?

Because we are not physically in the same place TBH, no, and I know not, from the outset feels like it. But the problem is that I stop to think about it. Old 20 Minutes ago: 29 June 2011 01: 41 Re: should I say him even now were friends with this guy come up to 3 years, although last summer he moved back to his home country and we have not spoken since feb. Just if I should tell him even after all this time anyway, here are some background information is basically wondering....

I have him more and more as friends like to but majorly feared rejection, and so on, and before I knew it, we were close friends with nothing really develop. Left I said to myself, that I had to get over him, and gradually was but not entirely succeeding, as I had more contact with him and again. I don't know what I wanted at the time, but it kind of felt nice/better than nothing at all, also to have, still, even though I knew that I eventually get over it. During these months, I would totally want to phases (such as when some the impression that he never thought gave me of me in this way its messages) contact with other live with hope.

Anyway, that he, I do had written that as something with nature in a new relationship-I thought is derived in February I noticed an online status, that it, I have at once move. I then deleted him from all online chat, etc. and it Facbeook feed shut off. But yesterday after months strongly I gave in looked at his Facebook page and realized (by various posts), which never was he in a relationship...I had jumped misinterpreted to conclusions and his former status. In fact, for the whole 3 years that I have seems known, the it single, becoming that looking around me, quite rare (most people I know move from a relationship to the next). I realized that as long as it is one I can't stop thinking about him and in the hope, even if it is a small speck of hope. I white not really what I realistic of these Tbh get as he in another country, but in fact would like to know if people think it is to tell him my feelings one for always value?

now or never - go for it.

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