Cheat most guys on their girlfriends, when they go to the University?

2:07 Publicado por Mario Galarza

My friend seems to think I'm one of these guys. I am not psychic, I can not see, what gonna happen in the future is one thing I know for sure though, is that I never and never intentionally would violate.

I told her I would to a nightclub with my friends to celebrate in a few days to the end of the A level and she seemed pretty worried... Is it there a lot of University students because it is a special night. Basically, this means:

Uni students = slutty girl = slutty girl meets me = me something bad do.

She says this mere event is "Only the beginning" and she think, once I'm at the University of all hell breaks loose...
I'm not the guy who often clubbing posed; in the past 6 months, I have 3 nightclubs were. I know this number can increase slightly, while in University because I have been doing A-levels and more free time in University get so much. But I'm also not the type that gets wasted absolutely on awareness of... I don't even drink!

What I say not, I may seem, assure her that I will remain faithful. She says I am girl... naive and clueless when it comes, Whew most guys to when they go to University or something?

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