Should heart Craig Thompson is released?
• Set Defender to register of sex offenders
• His behaviour was "unacceptable", says Anne-Houston, Sunday 26 June 2011 11,38 BST
Heart Craig Thomson sacked the Chief Executive of a prominent children charity, after the Defender guilty, lewd, indecent and libidinous behaviour towards two underage girls pleaded called.
The 20-year old was 4000 £ fine and on the sex offenders register for five years but confirmed heart on Friday that she would allow Thomson after its own investigation into the matter to resume his career.
Prosecutors in Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told how he sent that images of male private parts of two little girls at the age of 12 and 14, one of them asked for sex and made lewd comments about her body.
Thomson issued an apology on the Club's website and thanked the Club for his situation "understand".
But Anne Houston said of children 1st was "unacceptable" the Club decision, no action against the Scotland U-21 take international.
She said the the Scotsman newspaper: "We have to this case a clear message send, that children have the right, his happy and healthy, use safe and secure in everything they do." We all have a responsibility to make that happen.
"Any measures to protect of children from the dangers of sexual harm is unacceptable." So that convicted sex offenders to continue their work, where have they with direct and indirect contact children is wrong.
"There is no place in our society for role models, the sexual crimes, no matter what talent were sentenced, they could have." "We hope that, that everyone in football, and in particular the Scottish Football Association, that the primary governing body of football in Scottish football, would agree."
David McLetchie, a conservative MSP and hearts fan, was also unhappy with the message are the Association of Thomson. "I'm surprised given the run-down and unsavoury nature his crimes", he said. "The fact that the Club work, who want it with the community and the fact, the player places a high value should be amazing role models for young people - it I think."
Heart has read a Declaration on Thomson on Friday: "the Club believes there is no reason for Craig Thomson not continue his career as a professional football player and he will continue training with immediate effect."
"To reach this decision, the Club accepted that sufficient mitigating circumstances, provide significant responsibility for this, that the player no matter how distasteful behavior was, the result of a fatal error of judgment due to naivety and possible incorrect external influence, more sinister and it not be repeated instead of everything."
"The Club views of this matter very seriously and banned from the behavior of the player."
"Necessary measures to prevent that any further development of illegality has taken."
The heart pendant Trust Chairman, Derek Watson, said: "most [of fans] are very much against Craig Thomson on hold."
However, Watson added: "I think there's more to the situation than meets the eye." I think that should get another chance to man. "I have spoken at length with his lawyer, I have spoken with a heart on the situation and I think it's a bit like a witch hunt."
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