Body jewelry sizing basics

11:15 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Body jewelry sizing basics: BodyCandy body jewelry blog body {background-image: URL (;} Background-color: # e5e5e5; Background-position: top left; Background-attachment: Scroll; {Background-repeat: repeat-X;}# featured images Rotator {background: url('');}}# Featured image rotator, # featured image rotator-wrapper {width: 780px;} Height: 200px; {Text-align: left;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images link-overlay {height: 200px;} Width: 780px; Position: absolute; Top: 0; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured-images-link {text-decoration: none;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay {width: 780px;} Position: absolute; bottom: 0; Text-align: Center; Padding: px; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {padding-bottom: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header a {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}# one featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}Jul08Body jewelry sizing BasicsBy Lorna

All body jewelry elements must be properly for a perfect fit since placement, needle gauge, size and shape of features, and all general preferences differ from person to person.  Here are the basic sizing measurements that you want to know for the different types of body jewelry:


Free weights

Curved and straight barbells have a length and a gauge measurement.  Is the thickness of the part that passes through the piercing, and the smaller number is in this case the size gets bigger.

body jewelry gauge sizes

Length for these elements are the measurement of the barbell length between the two ends of the piece.  To achieve the best results while both decorative tips on this must be measured, are and are securely fastened.

curved barbell length sizes

Barbell elements those include, for tongue rings, surface piercings, belly rings, eyebrow rings, industrials, and some others used ear piercings.


Post jewelry

Post jewelry (or "Studs") have both length and gauge measurements, and will be measured by the distance between the respective ends in the same way.

post and stud jewelry length measurements

This type of jewelry is for Tragus piercing, Helix piercings and other ear-piercing, as used for labrets and Monroe's life.


Circular body jewelry

Circular elements, how caught rings, segment rings, a nose tire and horseshoes rings, ball have gauge, but you want a size measurement in this category instead of length, about in diameter.  Diameter is measured as the distance across the widest part of the element in edge to inside edge.

ring hoop and horseshoe diameter measurements

Diameter measurements can be also for items anywhere in the General design such as the open part of shield style nipple piercing jewelry rings contain.

nipple shield diameter measuring


When it comes to plug, be the most important measurement of the gauge size.  For this type of jewelry, instruments can be confusing because they begin as normal numbers, but after hitting 00 change in inches and millimeters measurements.

gauge sizing for plugs, tunnels, and tapers

There are several types of plug (straight, individual flare, double flare, Tunnels…), but to get an accurate measurement of the size, consider the part of the element to measure, which actually in the stretched piercing.  For example: individual flare plug will be measured at the end thinner, and double flare plug will be measured by the thin part in the middle.

how to measure gauge for plugs

For more detailed information on the size measure check formats and standards for certain types of jewelry, out our jewelry sizing category.

Categories: Fashion jewelry information, facial piercings, jewelry sizing, multi-functional body jewelry, Plug and gauging, unisex jewellery left BCR, body here to cancel a ReplyClick answer.

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