Girlfriend going on a vacation

13:30 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Well, I am really confused at the moment!

My girlfriend and her father, booked a holiday in Lanzarote my girlfriend told me that they would want to take me there with her and she even said it would be nice for me to come.

We have 3 years and I get on well with her father. You have been to Lanzarote million times in itself. I told her I could pay for me to go with them / would pay for my part of the meal.

Then it behind my back for only she and her father goes them and books. If I questions why I could not, if you said before you wanted to get me she says only "I want time with my father". They have time with her father a, if I with it? All they want to do is in a bar sit and get drunk as they there have been, so many times have they not nothing left to do/see.

I am really confused . Maybe I'm just about sensitive, I do not know which

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