I feel bad for my friend

0:10 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Discuss matters related to personal health and relationships in this forum. However, please keep it sensitive and remember that people of all ages can view these forums. Remember, all lawyer is unprofessional. Old 1 Hour ago: 13th July 2011 03: 14 Cosey +1   Re: I feel bad for my boyfriend if you've gone from 10 stone to 16 stone then that suggests that you have a big issue with food. Whilst going to the gym is good, your first step starts in the kitchen. As the saying goes, you cant out train a bad diet.

So you need to compose a fairly decent diet program. Something that you can stick to. Avoid fad/extreme diets as they generally dont work (or if they do, the results don't last)

Its pointless me telling you what to eat and what not to eat. Everyone has their own tastes and schedule which dictates how they go about it, but if you were to spend on hour on google, you would probably put something together fairly simply. Although a few simple rules, eat little and often, go for wholemeal carbs over refined, good lean protein and avoid sat fats.

As per the gym, this depends what youre comfortable/able to do people always suggest HIIT training which is great, if youre capable of that. Although you'll probably find that if you haven't done exercise for a long time you might not be able to do of it others advocate using weights. Again, it comes down to what youre comfortable with and capable of. Personally, when i first started in the gym trying to loose a lot of weight, i found that for the first few months all i was able to do was steady cardio (bike/walking/x-trainer) as long as you monitor progress and can track results then I would say that thats the most important thing in the beginning.

As mentioned, it is simple, but its definitely not easy. Good luck

Thanks, yeah I guess I have low self esteem and comfort I eat I guess. I do have some health problems that have made matters worse although I don't blame my weight problem on them.

I out as my knees hurt'm worried about working and I get out of puff, just walking around but I need to do something about this. So really ashamed to be displaying my big fat body in a gym!

Old1 Hour ago: 13th July 2011 03: 30 Re: I feel bad for my boyfriend thanks, yeah I guess I have low self esteem and I comfort eat I guess. I do have some health problems that have made matters worse although I don't blame my weight problem on them.

I out as my knees hurt'm worried about working and I get out of puff, just walking around but I need to do something about this. So really ashamed to be displaying my big fat body in a gym!

If you can identify why you overeat then thats always a good start. Changing your mind frame must come before you change your body.

Theres plenty to do if you want to avoid knee impact. Cycling, X-Trainer and rowing all avoid knee impact, as well as swimming if youre comfortable with that.

A lot of people seem very self conscious in going to the gym. People generally don't care/arent interested in what other people are doing. The only time someone might come up and talk to you is if youre doing something incorrectly and they are suggesting a better way of doing it.

Old1 Hour ago: 13th July 2011 03: 33 Cosey +1   Re: I feel bad for my boyfriend if you can identify why you overeat then thats always a good start. Changing your mind frame must come before you change your body.

Theres plenty to do if you want to avoid knee impact. Cycling, X-Trainer and rowing all avoid knee impact, as well as swimming if youre comfortable with that.

A lot of people seem very self conscious in going to the gym. People generally don't care/arent interested in what other people are doing. The only time someone might come up and talk to you is if youre doing something incorrectly and they are suggesting a better way of doing it.

Thank you it is so nice to get some positive and useful advice. I used to love swimming but I will probably leave that until I have lost some weight.

Hopefully no body wants to laugh at me if I the the gym, I want to go try and go when it is quiet and get some sarouel gym gear to cover up in!

Old1 Minute ago: 13th July 2011 04: 48 Re: I feel bad for my boyfriend thanks, sometimes I don't even know how I got so fat but probably too much cheese, irn bru, cups of tea with biscuits. I actually do not eat too many proper meals only during the weekend when my boyfriend orders takeaway.

I should probably keep a food diary.

I do not eat meat or drink at all.

I did try a diet in the past, I was practically starving myself and working out a lot and my weight what very stubbornly not coming off. The only time I what ever able to lose weight before as with diet pills I got of the internet which I took a long with a strict diet and loads of exercise but it messed my heart and metaolism up and I had to quit exercising for a while and just never got back into it.

If you starve aufpeppen eleven, your body just tries to hold onto the fat more stubbornly. I have experienced it so I can tell that it's no good to eat less than 1000 cals. You just go mental after a few months but I agree, a food diary is an excellent idea. There are a lot of food that is really bad for you but you don't of usually customized realise it because you have probably eaten it your whole life. You rarely see other people than your family eating so you kind of learn what and how much to eat from your parents.

I used to eat a lot of stuff that pasta wasn't that good for me like white and bread. And even my FL weren't all that perfect but I had learnt them from home so I never thought that there what something wrong with the amount of food I rate. I think it's good to have a calorie diary (there are some good sites that offer you all the information and even tell you on a pie chart how much you have eaten fat, carbs and protein) for a few months and then completely end doing it because after a few months you are able to tell what is good for you, how much you can eat something etc.

And remember to have small goals first. It's pretty hard to lose weight if your goal is far away in the future. If you are embarrassed to go to the gym, you can do a lot of things at home. Internet is full of exercise plan and you do not need to buy any fancy equipment for them. Do something that really gets your heart rate up like biking. I really loved doing that because it doesn't even feel like exercising.

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