Is an access course really as hard as my family has to tell me?

It seems enough dedicated to be most access courses that you first be they throw in at the deep end in an attempt to weed out all the people, who go to are / are not and then the workload easier something out over time to if you at the top with everything, keep.
In my experience, what an interview I was told, universities actually prefer mature more tires that students on account of them... well. Access students accept but some places (such as imperial in London), as they prepared for the rigors of higher education as A-level students to look at it less (is true to an extent, A-levels are much more difficult than an access course). A problem with Birmingham should not but.
If you are Genuninely interest and passion, you will find access to a no-brainer. Saying that access courses tend have a very high drop to, rate, because people forget how difficult study actually is. I remember the 40 or so people, which was the access course, I started on just 6 of us stayed to the end.

I found that my tutors desperately wanted to pass it, so that they over bent backwards for you!
You arent loads and loads of work at the same time most given, 2 maps.
good luck, and in the safe that you will do well.
PS I have passed an access course with minimal effort (hard) and with flying colors....

I'm Laura and I have just joined. I'm starting an English and Humanities access course go in September, hopefully next year to Birmingham University and to study archeology and ancient history. I am so excited, I can hardly contain me, but time goes on, my family kept telling me how difficult it is going to be and I'm starting to questions, what I me in looking! After my interviews for College etc. I've not gone into this with my eyes closed, I know it an intensive year will be, but my family make it seem, how do I in hell for a year...
I am passionate about archeology and disparate reach University before it too late.
I think my question is, what are all those who experienced new buildings to access courses? There are any tips how you it is easier to make? and completely off subject really mature students are from universities accept? or it is more difficult, is a place than older? (if I only 24 would, if I start!)
Thank you!

I went for my access course part-time (English lit and history) but I so wish I full time now had done. It is ridiculously easy. Even if it is three times as hard as part time to full time, it would be still piss easy.
I managed to get 54 / 60 credits of distinction and the remains in merit - and I have four children!
I am sure that you will be ready. Questions, questions simply

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