Is there someone gay, who has a relationship with the opposite sex?
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34 Minutes ago: 9 July 2011 20: 55 there someone gay here, has a relationship with the opposite sex? Hey people can tell you gay only if you had a relationship or by sex / had of persons of the opposite sex as you kissed? And what was it like? Can you just say how was the experience? Were already in love or lust had for someone of the opposite sex? As what were as your friends/ex girlfriends?
22 Minutes ago: 9 July 2011 21: 06 Re: there is someone gay here, has a relationship with the opposite sex? You are in love with someone who is gay and not be your gender?
19 Minutes ago: 9 July 2011 21: 09 Re: there is someone gay here, has a relationship with the opposite sex? You are in love with someone who is gay and not be your gender?

And how it compared to do it with someone of the same sex were actually sexually attracted you?

The identification of homosexuals tend not romantic and sexual connections with the opposite sex.
I my Musings go always in the same thread as you book, but then not seem always to much better like you when I could articulate.Yes I have dated many of the sex, and it was unsatisfactory and boring alike. You were great people like, just not directly.

The identification of homosexuals tend not romantic and sexual connections with the opposite sex.
It happens though, and not infrequently - sexuality persistently defies classification and people properly often date while still 'closeted', whether they, that they are gay know or not.Sex / don't you kiss with persons of the opposite sex, if you are attracted to them see what you actually do: namely spraying body fluids each other via different openings. Rather disgusting, really.
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