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July 2011 Horoscopes

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Now that summer’s in full swing, find out what the month will bring! Check out your July 2011 Horoscope right here on Kidzworld! (Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANCER!)
July 2011 Horoscopes
You can be pretty blunt about things that you have a strong opinion on, but this month it'll be more important than ever for you to try and let people know what you think without being plain old nasty about it!
Love: Still in a rush to get your summer crush going? Relax! You don't need to try so hard or get so impatient about it. You've still got the whole summer ahead of you to have fun just being together and getting to know each other - nice and slow!
There's gonna be plenty of drama-rama going on between you and your friends this month ... and, as usual, it will be up to you to soothe the burn after all the scorched feelings have happened. If worst comes to worst, a little ice cream can work wonders!
Love: The summer sun may help shed some light on who is actually the right crush for you! It may be time to take a second look at that girl or guy you're always laughing with...
No one said having a big group of friends would be easy. You have to manage a lot of feelings to make sure everyone's getting along. Try not to get caught up in the drama, though; simply remind your pals how lucky y'all are to have each other.
Love: Your crush has been pretty patient with you up until now, but that won't last forever. If you don't want to see them throw in the towel, try to tone down the drama this month.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANCER! This'll be a month full of love - for yourself, your fam and your friends. Now's a great time to make up with anyone you're fighting with. It'll make for much smoother sailing - at least, in the friendship department - all summer long!
Love: No one is perfect, especially when it comes to your crush. Give them a chance to show you who they really are - no expectations on your end for what they ought to be. You may be pleasantly surprised!
Leo's a natural-born leader, just like the REAL king of the jungle! But it says a lot about the kind of good person you are when you let someone also take charge for a change, especially when it comes to making plans this summer.
Love: If your crush isn't funny, it may not be meant to last. You love to laugh, so it's important to choose someone that can tickle your funny bone - and likes to have his or her funny bone tickled right back (in other words, knows how to take a joke)!
If you find yourself hit with a summer cold, don't stress out. A couple days of rest and plenty of fluids and you'll be good as new - all set to get out and enjoy the summer sun!
Love: Your friends may call your summer crush "too nice," but you know that you've truly found a gem in this guy or girl. Let your pals deal with the troublemakers and snag yourself a crush that treats you with respect!
Libra (September 23-October 22):
When your friends are fighting your first instinct is to tell them to "chill," but this summer it may be best to handle your pals with care ... or they may accuse you of butting your nose into their business.
Love: If your crush tells you that you need to change something about yourself, especially when it comes to your hair, clothes or how you look, tell them you are ready to change something: crushes!
If your friends are heading to the beach or the pool and you just don't feel like hanging, stay home and try to find some other way to entertain yourself. It's better than tagging along and bringing everyone down with your grumpy mood!
Love: You may feel desperate to get a summer crush, but think twice before you make a move on your best guy or gal pal - is it worth it if it's gonna ruin your friendship?
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):
Whether you're going to camp or on vacation with the fam, bring paper and pens so you can write your friends back home and keep in touch. (If snail mail's too old-fashioned, find a computer along the way so you can email your buddies while you're away!)
Love: Being too eager (sending too many texts or emails, etc.) can totally backfire when it comes to your crush. Calm down and lay low instead - you'll see that things will unfold naturally.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19):
Your talented self is still waiting to burst through; this month is gonna present you with some pretty unique opportunities to do things that'll totally wow everyone around you! Even something as simple as organizing your next family picnic will have people saying that you're a star!
Love: Secret crushes are fun, especially in the summer! But don't scare this shy guy or girl away by letting on that you know what's up too early in the game. Enjoy being admired from afar for a while first!
Aquarius (January 20-February 18):
Don't let the weight of the world get you down. You can't solve everyone else's problems. Just take care of yourself, make sure you're being the best person you can be and enjoy your life - especially when the sun is shining!
Love: Just cause it seems like all your friends have coupled up this summer, don't settle for a crush that's not right for you. Find other ways to spend your time and a good one will come along lickety split!
Support your friends and they'll support you. If a pal is going through a rough patch, it may be easier to forget about them and concentrate on all the summer fun you're having. But the next time you need a shoulder to cry on, don't count on them to be there unless you step up and be a great friend now.
Love: Going away this summer? Worried your crush will forget all about you while you're gone? Put your mind to rest - not only will you be missed, but things will likely be better than ever once you get back home (so long as you remember to keep in touch while you're MIA)!
Have Your Say
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readers voted! Love168Hate9 Comments
Chloe1105 wrote:
yay capricorn!
commented: Tue Jul 19, 2011

yo mayy babiee alwaizz n 4 eva bitxxh
commented: Mon Jul 18, 2011

purplekick21 wrote:
woohoo virgo baby! :) september 17 :love
commented: Mon Jul 18, 2011
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