Why do guys get more attached than girls?

23:11 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Discuss matters relating to health and relationships in this forum. But please keep it reasonable and keep in mind that people of all ages can view these forums. Remember all advice, unprofessional. Old 49 Minutes ago: 19 July 2011 01: 24 why guys get more attached as a girl? Recently I had with a conversation my friend about it, and we do not succeed, it go to the bottom. I'm just curious to hear the ideas which everyone has as to why this more than often is not the case.

I personally feel, as if it makes no sense. Guys do generally more around for the girls as different. We are the ones who ask to buy these things, to admit to be wrong, if we do not, etc..

Why is it that seems as if I like my girlfriend more than they like me?

Old45 Minutes ago: 19 July 2011 01: 28 Anonymous +1   Re: why do get guys more attached as a girl? Recently I had with a conversation my friend about it, and we do not succeed, it go to the bottom. I'm just curious to hear the ideas which everyone has as to why this more than often is not the case.

I personally feel, as if it makes no sense. Guys do generally more around for the girls as different. We are the ones who ask to buy these things, to admit to be wrong, if we do not, etc..

Why is it that seems as if I like my girlfriend more than they like me?

Personally I think girls get more attached. I feel as if I more my partner also technically ex partner as of about 6 hours before, worry about me as he. Old 40 Minutes ago: 19 July 2011 01: 34 Re: why do get guys more attached as a girl? Recently I had with a conversation my friend about it, and we do not succeed, it go to the bottom. I'm just curious to hear the ideas which everyone has as to why this more than often is not the case.

I personally feel, as if it makes no sense. Guys do generally more around for the girls as different. We are the ones who have to ask you to buy these things, to admit to be wrong, if we are not, and so on

Why is it that seems as if I like my girlfriend more than they like me?

I'm sorry, but the small bit Ott for think the guys are dressed girl, more than vice versa....: /.
Guys have no questions us out. It of only as the 'right', from our ancestors, and is a gentleman to do see.
Guys can buy things to her friends and vice versa.
And ' admit to be wrong, if we do not '? C ' Mon Ernst?

I love my friend with everything I can. And since I don't he buys a job at the moment everything. But you only see that he loves to do it. I guess that what I can do everything, what he does for me with every ounce. I thank him always and I never and never taken for granted that I love him leaving.
For example, we have started, go a few months before our prom. And even though it was already obvious that we would go together, he still asked me out right there, which is only it!

I think as guys in general are more protection, they seem to do more. Maybe because they are things to do, but it is not at all, which means they are more in love than the girl: /.

Old32 Minutes ago: 19 July 2011 01: 42 Re: why do get guys more attached as a girl? I seem to find that guys can personally you easier and longer take "fall in love" as a girl... but if a man is about someone, he is lower than GirlOkay how is it possible that the called man to find easier always about someone when he fell deeper than the other person....? Not that contradictory? When he fell from deep then would be more difficult?

I think this is really different, some guys more connected some don't get for women equal. Personally, I find that I long fall for someone, and I long until someone overcome depending on circumstances. Facility wise yes I find that I get more than the person, which I am the appended. XD

Old28 Minutes ago: 19 July 2011 01: 45 Re: why do get guys more attached as a girl? Recently I had with a conversation my friend about it, and we do not succeed, it go to the bottom. I'm just curious to hear the ideas which everyone has as to why this more than often is not the case.

I personally feel, as if it makes no sense. Guys do generally more around for the girls as different. We are the ones who have to ask you to buy these things, to admit to be wrong, if we are not, and so on

Why is it that seems as if I like my girlfriend more than they like me?

This is because we would not make no one, that would be in a relationship. Not because we get more attached. Old 13 Minutes ago: 19 July 2011 02: 00 Re: why do get guys more attached as a girl? Okay as is possible for the man referred to it, always about someone easier when he fell deeper than the other person? Not that contradictory? When he fell from deep then would be more difficult?

I think this is really different, some guys more connected some don't get for women equal. Personally, I find that I long fall for someone, and I long until someone overcome depending on circumstances. Facility wise yes I find that I get more than the person, which I am the appended. XD

It means that men often very appropriate at all, and in these cases don't get resolutions can easily manage and take a long time to fall in love.

Other times, however a more so for some men than others, the men get very very installed surprisingly fast so far more than women, and would a very bad crack.

So what occurs to you, most of the time that is former case, where the men at the end of always connected.

Women have a much more continuously different level of the system as men. Men, it is almost a case of nothing or all in and deeply connected.

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