Ear Piercing Types
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Many piercers love doing ear jobs because they are easy to do, they heal fast and the chance of the ear rejecting jewelry as foreign objects is minimal. Ear piercing is done all over the world and it crosses all generations. In fact, in some places, it is even done in infancy. Whatever the case, this is one of the most outstanding piercings.
There are many types of ear piercings to tickle your fancy, before you settle on any one of them; you should first view the pictures of all of them online so that you choose the one that appeals to you most. It is said that a picture tells more than 1000 words and therefore just by looking at the pictures you should be able to know more about the piercing than any piercer would tell you. Whatever piercing you choose for your ears, it will make you look more fashionable and trendier. Because the piercing types for the ear are so many, you should read as much as you can about all of them so that you do not get confused. However, your piercer of choice should be able to assist you in choosing the trendiest ear piercing type in the market.
The most complex and the trendiest type of ear piercing is the industrial piercing. Although it takes a long time to heal, you can be assured that the painstaking effort and care will be worth it. In this piercing, two piercings are joined by a barbell. It will definitely make you stand out. That it takes long to heal should not intimidate you, but it should make you more determined to make it heal faster by giving it the best care.
Anti-tragus ear piercing is a great one for the men especially. As the name suggests, it is done on the cartilage that is opposite the tragus piercing, thus the name anti-tragus. Just like the tragus piercing, this one takes just a little time to heal if you give it the best care as recommended by the piercer. It is one of the most favored piercings worn by both men and women.
Tragus piercing is very common. This one is done on the lower cartilage just next to the entrance of the ear canal. It is easy to take care of and it takes anywhere from 8 to 16 weeks to heal completely. It is imperative that you take good care of it so that you improve the chances of its healing fast and well.
Another of the common types of ear piercings is the snug piercing. This is done inside the ear in a small space just above the anti–tragus piercing. Because of the limitation of space, this ear piercing cannot carry heavy jewelry. However, it is one of the best ways for you to look cool.
One would not do justice if he/she did not mention the most obvious and common of all ear piercing types. This is the lobe piercing where the ear lobe, which is the small fleshy part that hangs at the bottom of the ear is pierced. The good thing about this is that it can handle any type of jewelry that you put on. At the same time, it is easy to clean and take care of because it is easily accessible. Although people consider it old fashioned, it is still handles a piercing well. It heals very quickly. Most fashionable start with this one and then they move on to other types of ear piercings.
Helix piercing is the type of ear piercing that is done on the upper cartilage on the outer rim of the ear. This is easy to heal and today, it is still the rage in the market among people of all ages. Next to the lobe piercing and perhaps tragus piercing, this one is very popular in the market and fashion world. Even the artists love doing it because it is easy. However, take care that a piercing gun is not used on you, rather, make use of a straight or bent hollow piercing needle. Piercing guns are a bit blunt and they may shatter the muscles around the piercing.
The question that will be raging in your mind will be now that there are so many ear piercing types, which really is the best one for you? The truth is that this depends on your taste and your lifestyle. If you like a simple look on your ears, then perhaps the lobe piercing is good for you. However, if you like a touch of classiness about your ears, then you should go for different types of piercing on your ears.

Check legend for image below, to know which area is right for your piercing:

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