Is passing the first year...

15:38 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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...worth anything?

Long story, but I was going to do Beauty Therapy Level 2 but with it being FE not HE i couldn't afford to rent my house etc and hold down a job and study so I chose to study Design, I was fairly interested in the subject but it wasn't my passion unlike Beauty...

...but with it being HE I get full grant and payments etc so I could comfortably study.

I still feel Beauty Therapy is my passion, my hobby, my interest.

I'm only a month into the Design course and I'm worried that if I quit I will have to repay the grants. So I'm considering pushing it out to the end of the first year...

If I chose to not go back for 2nd year would I still have to repay the grants?
Also, is there any formal qualification that I would achieve for completing the first year such as a Level 4?

I think I'm best following it through this year and seeing if i grow passionate about this course but just wondered if there would be any real gain following it through to the end of year One as opposed to quitting now.


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