October 2011 Horoscopes
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Happy Halloween! October's finally here ... find out how spooky your horoscope for this month really is right here on Kidzworld! (Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBRA!)
Aries (March 21-April 19):
This month, try and get things done ahead of time, especially when it comes to school!
Love: Your crush will be totally blown away by how much you care - not just about them, but about people in general!
Taurus (April 20-May 20):
They don't call jealousy a green-eyed MONSTER for nothing. Be happy for your friends without comparing yourself to them.
Love: Stop complaining about your crush. Take charge of your own happiness and do what's best for you!
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
If there's something you don't understand in school, don't be too stubborn to ask for help.
Love: Try to enjoy the moment with your crush - not everything needs to be mapped out ahead of time.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
If you experience lots of drama this month, be sure not to take it personally.
Love: Getting gifts are nice, but when it comes to your crush it's the things that money CAN'T buy that count.
Leo (July 23-August 22):
You'll be a social butterfly this month; just don't let your school work and chores fall behind while you party.
Love: Trying to change who your crush is, is pointless. Would you want them to try and change who YOU are? No!
Virgo (August 23-September 22):
If you can find a good balance between school and fun this month, you'll be laughing!
Love: So your last crush kinda sucked ... remember not to settle for anything less than the best next time!
Libra (September 23-October 22):
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBRA! If you're feeling a little lonely, try reaching out to your friends - even the ones that no longer live close by.
Love: It's time to stop looking for a crush that's got every quality on your list. Nobody is perfect!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21):
You may find yourself feeling down this month; know that this will pass and happier times are ahead!
Love: If your crush isn't willing to hold your hand in public, they may just be shy. It doesn't mean they don't like you!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):
Lots of good luck's coming your way this month!
Love: Crushing doesn't have to be so serious. Laughing together could bring you closer!
Capricorn (December 22-January 19):
Your little sis or bro may be driving you nuts, but yelling at them is probably just gonna make things worse.
Love: Focus on yourself and your fam this month; your crush will just have to wait.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18):
Get ready: there's a BIG surprise in store for you this month!
Love: Love triangles are tricky. Make sure you're not caught up in one in October (or ever).
Pisces (February 19-March 20):
Crying over spilled milk won't help. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on!
Love: There's plenty of topics for you and your crush to dish about - hurtful gossip doesn't have to be one of them.
Have Your Say!
What's your sign? Tell us in the Comments section right below this story!
readers voted! Love135Hate8 Comments
harley001 wrote:
im a aqua i rock!!!!!!!!!!!
commented: Wed Oct 26, 2011

Daniawesome wrote:
im aqua and it rocks 8)
commented: Tue Oct 25, 2011

Mia Pia Aim wrote:
im one too but i realy do have a sis that drives me crazy.
commented: Tue Oct 25, 2011
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[quote="Dreamer71"][b]Hi guys. Need some help here, cz Im totally confused. There's this boy in m...
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1. Your too young.2. Your too young.3. Your too young.4. It's puppy love.
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