URGH!!!! People, what's your problem??! What's MY problem?!?
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I'm sick and TIRED of people telling me I'm beautiful! Everytime I hear these words I just want to punch the person in the mouth. Today a guy came up to me just to say that and walk off??!! I just wanted to scream SHUT UP it's NOT TRUE and whack him on the head why say that and walk away?! Why is that all I EVER get??!!
No dates or relationships. just pointless, meaningless, worthless STUPID WORDS!!!!
WHO actually CARES?!?!
the guy I've liked for TWO YEARS, the ONLY guy I've ever liked asks out my best friend!!! MY BEST FRIEND. The most amazing person in the entire world. It's not surprising he would fall for her, I would if I were that way inclined! .
I feel sad for writing this. I don't even know what I want to say. I just got off the phone from the happy bunny telling me every exruciating detail of their conversation. All the wonderful things he said to her. I've never felt such pain in my chest in my life (it actually scared me). Then she asks me if I want to meet up with them afterwards, catch a film? I told her I didn't want to be a third wheel, besides me and him aren't all that close. She then says, Oh no, he mentioned you, he actually said you were really beautiful. ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?!!! WHY?!?! WHAT IS THE NEED?!??! I just cried angry tears when she said that. She doesn't know that I'm practically in love with him, I never told anyone. I love her to bits so of course in time I shall be happy for her, for now, I'm irrationally upset that she never noticed that I liked him (how could she? I never said anything). I will never let her know any of this.
It's not fair.
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