A Level Choices

11:04 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Discussion for A-Level students, including those studying VCEs and for those choosing their A-Level subjects. Old 1 Hour Ago: 20th October 2011 22:57 FDR +1 I'm in year 13, and have two friends in year 13 applying for Product Design courses.

It sounds like you aren't 100% sure which subject area you would like to focus on, so want to keep your options open. English is definitely a good choice, and I would stick with it (but if you change your mind, go for something like History). I would also go for Graphic design or Art, but only one, not both (check University sites and course entry requirements, also email universities about your situation -when I was choosing A levels I did, and they were really helpful)

Don't go for Media whatever you do. It is considered weak by all sectors, and it won't help you at all. Geography is a subject that will give you a lot of good skills, likewise Biology, and is considered strong.

Old 1 Hour Ago: 20th October 2011 23:00 Take English Literature, History, Maths and something else.

Don't take media.
Don't take art.
Don't take a design subject.

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