The Koran is Demonstrably False
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Discuss religious, spiritual, and theological issues concerning Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other religion.

1) In Islam, the Koran is the literal word of Allah as dictated to the Prophet Mohammed. The Book is perfect, as it was written by god, and is completely true. As such, it is considered to be immutable. No Muslim will dispute this.
2) It follows that, if the Koran is perfect, it has no factual flaws. A factual flaw would mean the Koran was not completely true and, therefore, not perfect.
3) If the Koran is not perfect, then Allah is not perfect. If Allah is not perfect, then he/she/it cannot be god. The author of this book would have to have been an imperfect creature.
4) Koran 55:19-20 states "He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together: Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress." In Islamic schools children are taught that this is the case.
5) This is factually incorrect. Salt and freshwater mix - this is known as "brackish" water.
6) Therefore it is demonstrably false to say the Koran is a perfect book. If the Koran is not perfect, then neither is the author, Allah. If Allah is not perfect, then Allah is not our all powerful god.
That is all.
Last edited by Komnenos; 33 Minutes Ago at 15:25.
Would you now care to point out that prayer is illogical given the assumption of a divine plan?

People interpret things differently....
You can't expect every single person to have same thoughts on Islam
And why another Islam hate thread....
Which leads me onto

People interpret things differently....
You can't expect every single person to have same thoughts on Islam
And why another Islam hate thread....
Criticism does not equal hate. Muslims seem to misunderstand this a bit too often.
People interpret things differently....
You can't expect every single person to have same thoughts on Islam
And why another Islam hate thread....
Which leads me onto

I will now prove to you, by following Islam's own rules, that the Koran is a demonstrable false text.
Saying their holly book is false is a comment bread from hatred. And to have a whole page of text trying to prove that is even worse.

I will now prove to you, by following Islam's own rules, that the Koran is a demonstrable false text.
Saying their holly book is false is a comment bread from hatred. And to have a whole page of text trying to prove that is even worse.
Bull****. I'm a staunch Scottish nationalist, and if you attempt to disprove the viability of Scottish independence, I would definitely not assume you hated me or all Scottish nationalists.This taking of offense at the smallest slight, critique or attempt at debate is what makes religious people, and today mostly Muslims, lose a very large amount of sympathy from modern secularists.
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